ASQA Regulatory strategy 2016–17 and ASQA’s Regulatory Risk Framework

ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority), VET regulator has recently released its regulatory strategy for 2016-2017.  ASQA’s Regulatory Risk Framework, which is part of the published Regulatory Strategy outlines how ASQA fulfils its responsibility by managing risk on two levels:

  1. Operational (provider risk), and
  2. Strategic (systemic risk)


Provider risk continues to be a key focus in ASQA’s regulatory role. ASQA addresses this risk by using data and intelligence to identify and intervene with individual providers. ASQA primarily targets those providers that are exhibiting behaviours that pose significant risk to quality training and assessment.

Systemic risk is defined as any risk likely to exist across the sector or in a concerning proportion of providers. If left untreated, significant risks of this type can have a detrimental impact on the quality of training and assessment for individuals, industry and the wider community and may lead to loss of confidence in the sector.

The Regulatory Strategy 2016–17 focuses on ASQA’s approach to systemic risk. This regulatory strategy is informed by ASQA’s 2015 Environmental Scan, which has identified current and emerging risks through stakeholder consultation, market research and VET data analysis. ASQA has also considered recommendations from the Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment1 when developing this strategy. In developing this strategy, ASQA has taken a best practice approach, by using evidence to identify the areas posing the highest systemic risk to Australia’s VET sector. While there are many issues that compete for ASQA’s VET regulation resources, this strategy focuses on the highest risk areas. Targeting systemic risks aims to maximise the positive impact of ASQA’s regulatory resources. The release of this document signals a significant step in the implementation of ASQA’s enhanced risk-based regulatory approach. As a modern risk-based regulator, ASQA will continue its environmental scanning to identify, monitor and evaluate newly emerging risks and communicate our systemic risk priorities to all stakeholders through the publication of an annual regulatory strategy.

The complexity of systemic risks often means that ASQA cannot address the issues alone and effective outcomes require collaboration with policy, funding and regulatory agencies.

Recognising this, in 2016–17 ASQA will focus on:

  • Strengthening collaboration and coordinating responses with state, territory and Australian Government funding, regulatory and program agencies. A risk-based approach requires agile regulatory responses to providers with poor compliance profile.


To address this, ASQA will also focus on:

  • Developing an enhanced regulatory approach that utilises a broader suite of regulatory tools to deal with providers. ASQA’s strategic reviews have been successful in investigating and defining the size, nature and causes of the problems in particular sectors. These reviews have produced recommendations for effectively targeting treatment of the VET problems in these industries (which include the childcare, aged care, equine and security industries).


As such, ASQA is

  • Continuing to work with its industry partners and other regulators to implement the recommendations from these reviews.


For more Information, please visit ASQA’s website

Heavy penalty for bogus qualification

A former trainer has been ordered to pay $120,000 for providing her employer with 11 bogus vocational education and training (VET) qualifications, providing another two bogus qualifications to a co-worker and submitting false qualifications to the national regulator as proof of her competency.

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) successfully obtained declarations from the Federal Court that Synthia Dee M Restar of Beecroft, New South Wales, fabricated the qualifications in contravention of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.

Between January 2012 and April 2014, Ms Restar fabricated qualifications in aged care, disability and business management in her own name and provided each to her employer as legitimate qualifications. She also provided three of the bogus qualifications to an ASQA auditor in support of an application to become a registered training organisation (RTO).

Ms Restar also fabricated two aged care qualifications for a co-worker and falsely represented those qualifications to be legitimate.

ASQA Chief Commissioner Chris Robinson said the bogus qualifications were uncovered during an ASQA investigation.

“As a result of this investigation, ASQA cancelled the registration of the RTO in question and used the powers available to it to pursue Ms Restar for her wrongdoing,” Mr Robinson said.

Mr Robinson said ASQA had been building its investigative capabilities during the past 18 months.

ASQA is determined to use the powers available to it to ensure learners are getting high quality training and assessment which provides them with the skills that employers are looking for.

The authority has close to 100 officers – including many with specialist investigative skills and experience – who are applying regulatory scrutiny to RTOs across Australia each and every day.

“ASQA will continue to target its resources at RTOs providing poor quality training and seek to remove them from the sector and, where appropriate, seek criminal or civil prosecutions.”

For more Information, visit ASQA’s website:

Vocational education and training courses behind significant drop of crime rate.

Vocational education and training courses have been linked to a significant drop in Victoria’s crime rates by University of Melbourne economists. They believe the benefits of the controversial education reforms have been overlooked.

“What has been missing is that these reforms did increase access to publicly funded training and that has had positive flow on effects,” report co-author Cain Polidano from the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research said.

The paper – A Pathway to the Straight and Narrow – revealed a boost in enrolments was associated with a 12.8 per cent decline in the drug crime rate, an 11.3 per cent drop in property crime and a 4.5 per cent reduction in assaults and other crimes against the person. It compared Victoria to New South Wales, where enrolments remained stable.

The academics focused on the crime rate in Victoria between 2010 and 2013, which coincided with a 75 per cent increase in school leavers enrolled in TAFEs and private colleges.

This followed Victoria becoming the first state to introduce a demand-driven model, with the former Brumby government rolling out a voucher scheme that let students enrol in the course of their choice, including at private colleges.

It estimated that for every dollar spent expanding VET in Victoria, the community saved 18 cents by avoiding crime costs.

“Given the large cost to the community of drug crimes, including lost productivity, health and rehabilitation costs, this represents an important saving to the community,” the paper said.

Vocational education and training had the biggest impact on students aged 26 and above, and steered more females away from crime than men, it said.

It also improved the employment prospects of criminals, gave more structure to the lives of people who could otherwise be vulnerable to drug abuse, and “raised their social status, self-esteem, well-being and life outlook”.

“Education is not the silver bullet but it certainly helps,” Dr Polidano said.

Dr Polidano said his work provided the first empirical evidence of the crime-reducing effects of post-secondary vocational education and training.

It comes at an interesting time, as the federal government redesigns the scandal-plagued VET FEE-HELP student loan scheme.

The Victorian government has also cracked down on rogue providers. Figures released on Monday revealed a 13.2 per cent drop in VET student enrolments in the state in the past year.

Jesuit Social Services chief executive Julie Edwards said that only 5 to 7 per cent of Victorian prisoners had completed year 12.

The organisation has set up a community college to help prisoners develop basic literacy and numeracy skills as they cycle in and out of the justice system. These skills help them transition into mainstream TAFE providers, she said.

“We are talking about people who have missed out on a lot of school, and therefore need to catch up.”

She said education gave these people confidence, a sense of identity and connection and could lead to employment or volunteering work.

Reference: The Age (Australia)

National Strategy for International Education 2025

Australia’s first National Strategy for International Education 2025 sets out a 10-year plan for developing Australia’s role as a global leader in education, training and research.

Pillar 1

Strengthening the fundamentals

Goal 1: Building on a world-class education, training and research system

Goal 2: Delivering the best possible student experience

Goal 3: Providing effective quality assurance and regulation

Pillar 2

Making transformative partnerships

Goal 4: Strengthening partnerships at home

Goal 5: Strengthening partnerships abroad

Goal 6: Enhancing mobility

Goal 7: Building lasting connections with alumni

Pillar 3

Competing globally

Goal 8: Promoting our excellence

Goal 9: Embracing opportunities to grow international education


Click here to read the plan for more Information.

We are happy to answer any questions regarding this matter. Please contact us.

Ombudsman for dodgy colleges

Dozens of Victorian education providers will be scrutinised by a new investigation unit looking into dodgy training courses across the state.

The new squad, headed by a former Victorian Ombudsman investigator, will conduct detailed investigations into “unscrupulous training providers”, and closely examine the quality of courses on offer.

The team is currently focusing on online courses, and those in security and hospitality.

“We will not give providers a blank cheque for taxpayers’ money – especially when the safety of the community could be put at risk because of substandard training,” Training and Skills Minister Steve Herbert said.

Providers’ contracts can be terminated if they lodge claims for training that didn’t take place, offer incentives like laptops or iPads, or if they engage in unauthorised subcontracting.

The latest contracts terminated were for Australian Vocational Education and Training Academy and the National Training Centre of Australia, a government spokesman said.

Since the state’s education quality blitz started in 2015, 57 training providers have been earmarked for investigation and 15 training contracts have been terminated.

Among the colleges that have been terminated include: MWT Institute, Imperial College, Management Institute of Australia No. 2, North Melbourne College, Yum Production, Waterford College, Education Access Australia, Australian Management Academy, Heron Assess * 2016: South Pacific Institute, Australian Learning Training and Education Centre, Australian Vocational Education and Training Academy, National Training Centre of Australia.

References: AAP

‘Unscrupulous training providers’ to be investigated

The Andrews Labor Government is upping the pressure on rogue training providers with a new investigations unit in the Department of Education and Training to put them under the microscope.

Dodgy training courses in Victoria will soon be scrutinised by a new investigation led by a former Victorian Ombudsman investigator.

The crack squad, headed by a former Victorian Ombudsman Principal Investigator, will conduct targeted and more detailed investigations into unscrupulous training providers to restore student and industry confidence to the sector.

The team will add to the Department’s capability to expose poor quality providers to ensure qualifications are meeting industry standards and making sure students are receiving the skills they need to do their job safely.

The new team is the latest initiative as part of the Labor Government’s crackdown on unscrupulous training providers to restore student and employer confidence in the training system. It will examine:

  • Inappropriate low quality short course delivery

  • The quality of the course delivery from training providers

  • The suitability of a qualification for students and whether it leads to a job

  • The marketing practices of training providers

  • Suspected fraud and refer to relevant authorities

Since the Labor Government’s quality blitz started in July 2015, 57 RTOs have been identified for investigation, 15 training contracts have been terminated and $40 million in Victorian taxpayer’s money earmarked for recovery.

The 2015 Training Market Report has revealed training providers who had their contract cancelled or who did not receive a 2016 contract, accounted for half of the total decline in course enrolments last year.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“We’re leading the country with stamping out rogue training providers. We’re working to restore confidence to the system prior to the introduction of a new funding system in 2017.”

“We will not give providers a blank cheque for taxpayers’ money – especially when the safety of the community could be put at risk because of substandard training.”

“Our new tough contracts and tougher entry requirements for RTOs accessing government funded training mean students can have confidence in the training they’re receiving.”


Higher education standards framework (threshold standards) 2015

TEQSA registers and evaluates the performance of higher education providers against the Higher Education Standards Framework, specifically, the Threshold Standards. All providers must meet the Threshold Standards in order to enter and remain within Australia’s higher education system. The Standards are available online.

The Higher Education Standards Panel (the Panel) was established to provide independent advice to the Commonwealth Ministers responsible for tertiary education and research. The Panel’s work was independent to the regulator TEQSA. The Panel provided its advice on proposed revisions to the Higher Education Standards Framework to the Commonwealth Minister for Education in December 2014. The updated Standards were passed through Parliament in December 2015 and will take effect from 1 January 2017.

The new Standards have a strong student focus across seven domains:

  1. Student Participation and Attainment

  2. Learning Environment

  3. Teaching

  4. Research and Research Training

  5. Institutional Quality Assurance

  6. Governance and Accountability

  7. Representation, Information and Information Management

Work has now begun for TEQSA to ensure the sector understands its responsibilities and that as a quality assurance agency, TEQSA continues to implement the Standards in keeping with its regulatory principles of reflecting risk, regulatory necessity and proportionality.

During 2016 TEQSA will hold workshops for providers to discuss implementation of the new Standards and will also adapt its sector guidance notes.

There are some substantial changes between the higher education standards framework (threshold standards) 2015 and 2011.

The 2016-17 Skilled Occupations List (SOL)

2016-17 Skilled Occupations List (SOL) has been registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. The review of the SOL was conducted by the Department of Education and Training.

The SOL identifies occupations that would benefit from independent skilled migration for the purpose of meeting the medium to long-term skill needs of the Australian economy, where such needs may not be more appropriately met by sponsored migration programs or up-skilling Australians.

Private students to be included in national student survey

For the first time, the National Centre for Vocational Education Research’s (NCVER), major survey of VET students will include fee-paying students at private colleges.

Over coming weeks around 220,000 students will be asked about their recent training experience as part of the Student Outcomes Survey.

NCVER Managing Director Dr Craig Fowler said that, to date, only students who studied with government providers, such as TAFE, or those whose training was funded by governments were included in the survey.

“Now we’re also asking students who paid their own way to rate their training too. This will give us a better idea of how the sector is performing,” he said.

Results from the survey will be available in late 2016.

Compliance and Quality Assurance (CAQA)

CAQA is Compliance and Quality Assurance, a Career Calling International initiative. CAQA offers help and support to all Australian Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and Higher Education Providers (HEPs). We can help in registering and establishing an RTO/HEP, maintaining AQTF or NVR compliance with an RTO, or even just managing RTO/HEP administration.

We are one of the best consultants in the VET and Higher Education Industry. We have more than 17+ years of experience in the VET and Higher Education Industry. We have a successful track record of 100% success with audits. We assist you to understand the requirements of regulatory and licensing bodies.

CAQA provides

  • Quality resources
  • Compliant templates
  • Training Resources
  • ASQA
  • Auditor
  • RTO Consultants
  • Industry updates
  • Help with selling and buying RTOs
  • Validation and moderation services
  • Instructional designing
  • Learning management system work such as Moodle, Blackboard LMS etc.

Speak to one of CAQA consultants today for more Information.

Career Calling International – Your Quality Provider

Quality Services

Since client satisfaction is one of our priorities, we go to great lengths to implement practices that guarantee an efficient, fluid and friendly relationship, promoting a culture of service among our collaborators.

Professional People

We in Career Calling International work closely with the client throughout the project life-cycle to tailor our services to ensure that the solution meets the required objectives from a specification, resource and time perspective.

Excellent Support

We in Career Calling International strive to provide an excellent service in terms of quality of work, timely delivery, professional behaviour, customer service and value for money. As a result we hope that there will be no need for complaints. 


Our consultants hold multiple accreditations across a number of our certifications ensuring quality services to our clients. For more Information regarding accreditations, please visit “Key Management Staff” page. 

Punjab police bust another IELTS racket

The special task force (STF) has busted another IELTS (International English Language Testing System) racket, arresting four persons for allegedly providing answer keys to candidates for Rs 30,000-Rs 40,000 each.

The force received information that notorious gangster Manga has been involved with this racket from last few days.  He reportedly worked for the Davinder Bambiha gang that was recently involved in a gang war in Tarn Taran.

The police have arrested four accomplices of Manga — Navi, Judgebir Singh, Sandeep Singh and Simar Singh and are now looking for Manga’s fifth accomplice, Gurinder Singh and Manga.

Almost 12 students have been identified so far who have taken help of Manga. Cambridge University had received numerous complaints regarding the fairness of the exam, said sources.

Khalsa Migration

We have a team of friendly migration consultants who have extensive experience in all visa types. Each member of our team is driven to succeed. Most of us have migrated to Australia ourselves and we fully appreciate what a successful visa outcome means for our clients.

All of our consultants are fully qualified and highly experienced at helping you achieve the end goal of obtaining an Australian visa. We operate according to the highest standards possible in compliance with a strict Code of Conduct. So, when you are with us, you can be absolutely certain that you will get only the most honest, ethical and confidential migration service in Australia.

Our mission is to help our clients find the quickest and easiest path to Australian permanent residence, if that is their ultimate goal. We pride ourselves on thinking outside the square. If there is any possible way for you to obtain an Australian visa, our migration consultants will find it and make it happen for you. We consistently deliver excellent visa outcomes for our clients and consequently most of our new clients are referred to us by existing or former clients.

Khalsa Education and Migration Solutions are experts in Australian Migration Law. Highly educated in, and up to date in, Australian Migration Law and Departmental policies which are used to interpret the legislation (which the Department makes its decisions based on). We’re governed by the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), & bound by a Code of Conduct. We’re required to maintain a professional library of legislation and policy which must be kept up-to-date, and we’re required to complete continual professional development (CPD) studies every year to keep abreast of the constantly changing rules and politics. And we need to pass stringent security and character checks. It’s also illegal for non-registered agents to give immigration advice in Australia.

Some examples of the type of people we help and how we have assisted them are;

  • Professionals looking at building a meaningful career and earning an Australian wage.
  • Parents searching for a world class education and family home for their children.
  • Couples wanting to be able to live together freely.

How Migration Agents help clients:

  • Assess your initial suitability for a visa
  • Choose the most suitable visa class/subclass for you
  • Plan a strategy for a successful application
  • Provide check-lists of your requirements (documents and relationship evidence)
  • Check all documents for accuracy and suitability
  • Certify documents
  • Prepare and submit the completed application professionally
  • Monitor progress and keep you informed
  • Liaise with the Department of Immigration & Citizenship on your behalf when required
  • Arrange for merits review at Tribunals when required (when problems exist)

ASQA News 14-Aug-2018

ASQA given additional powers to seek civil penalties and issue infringement notices 

On 12 July 2018, the Governor-General, Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC made the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Amendment (Enforcement and Other Measures) Regulations 2018(NVR Regulation Amendment 2018).

The NVR Regulation Amendment 2018 allows ASQA to seek civil penalties for breaches of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (the Standards), even in cases where a provider has since rectified that breach.

This legislative change enhances ASQA’s capacity to effectively support the quality of the VET sector by providing an additional mechanism to protect students from poor-quality providers.

ELICOS course template now available 

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has developed a course proposal template for use by providers applying to register English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) on the Commonwealth Register for Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

ASQA has developed this template in response to feedback from providers seeking guidance and a consistent format for providing evidence to demonstrate compliance against ‘Standard C1—Mandatory requirements for course applications’ of the ELICOS Standards 2018.

The use of this template is strongly recommended but not mandatory.

Cancellation of registration as a provider of vocational education and training (VET) services:

Rejection of application to renew registration as a provider of VET services:

Extension to transition period for Advanced Diploma, Diploma of Accounting qualifications

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has approved an extension to the transition period for the FNS50215 Diploma of Accounting and FNS60215 Advanced Diploma of Accounting.

The qualifications were superseded in February 2018 by the FNS50217 Diploma of Accounting and FNS60217 Advanced Diploma of Accounting, which are not equivalent. As a result, current learners were initially given until 12 February 2019 to complete their training and assessment.

However, learners transitioning to the replacement qualifications must meet additional entry requirements. This would genuinely disadvantage any learners in the superseded qualifications who are unable to complete the qualifications by 12 February 2019.

As such, ASQA has agreed to an extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for these qualifications, which will end on 12 February 2020.

For more information, please visit ASQA’s website

The Difference Between Compliance and Quality Assurance in the RTO space (Part 2)

When we look at the current Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015, the clauses relevant to Registered Training Organisations’ regulatory compliance, the reporting and governance practice, they all clearly underpin good management practices and effective compliance control procedures—and, as a result, the effective functioning and sustainability of RTOs.

These Standards support RTOs to provide high-quality student experiences and learning outcomes.

Under the Standards, RTOs are responsible for:

  • Ensuring authorised Executive Officers and High Managerial Agents meet the Fit and Proper Person requirements and are vested with sufficient authority to ensure the RTO complies with the RTO Standards at all times (clause 7.1)
  • Satisfying financial viability risk assessment: Your RTO is required to present an acceptable level of financial viability risk at all times (this includes any parent entities). ASQA assesses each RTO’s financial viability risk to evaluate the likelihood of business continuity and the RTO’s capacity to achieve quality outcomes, as outlined in the Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements 2011. ASQA considers this against the potential for adverse consequences if your entity collapses or becomes unviable and makes a judgement about whether the level of risk is acceptable, unacceptable, or requires additional controls. To enable a preliminary financial viability risk assessment, the initial registration application requires the applicant to provide:
    • a range of financial sustainability information
    • independent certification.

ASQA may also require your RTO to undergo a financial viability risk assessment at any other time. (clause 7.2)

  • Compliance and reporting: The RTO must make sure it complies with the SRTO’s 2015, other Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation and regulatory requirements relevant to its operations, at all times, including where services are being delivered on its behalf. The RTO is required to provide an annual declaration on compliance to confirm whether it:
    1. currently meets the requirements of the Standards across all its scope of registration and has met the requirements of the Standards for all AQF [Australian Qualifications Framework] certification documentation it has issued in the previous 12 months.
    2. has training and assessment strategies and practices in place that ensure that all current and prospective learners will be trained and assessed in accordance with the requirements of the Standards.

RTOs are also required to make sure its staff and clients are informed of any changes to legislative and regulatory requirements that affect the services delivered. (clauses 2.1 and 8.4 to 8.6)

  • Recording, monitoring and reporting third-party arrangements: All third-party arrangements must have a written agreement, the RTO must have sufficient strategies and resources to systematically monitor any services delivered on its behalf, and notifies the Regulator:
  1. of any written agreement entered into under clause 2.3 for the delivery of services on its behalf within 30 calendar days of that agreement being entered into or prior to the obligations under the agreement taking effect, whichever occurs first, and
  2. within 30 calendar days of the agreement coming to an end.  (clauses 2.3, 2.4 and 8.3)
  • Holding public liability insurance: RTOs are responsible for ensuring they hold public liability insurance throughout their registration period. Your RTO must hold public liability insurance to cover all training and/or assessment activities it provides as an RTO. (clause 7.4)
  • Meeting Data Provision Requirements:

RTOs are responsible for providing accurate information about their performance and governance in accordance with clause 7.5.

The Data Provision Requirements outline information that your RTO is required to submit. Apart from information required with applications, this falls generally into two categories:

Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) data

Quality Indicator Data.

Data such as national training activity is very important—this informs decision-making about policies and funding for the national VET system and allows measurement of the system’s performance.

The quality indicator data provides information for RTOs about their students’ experiences of their services and can be used to continuously improve the quality of the training for students and employers. (clause 7.5)

Providing requested information to ASQA:

RTOs are responsible for:

  • Cooperating with ASQA
  • Ensuring any third party delivering services on the RTO’s behalf is required to cooperate with ASQA.

Your RTO and any third parties delivering services on your behalf must cooperate with ASQA in responding to requests for information, undergoing audits and managing records. The information you and third parties provide to ASQA must be accurate, truthful and authentic. Any documentation provided at audit must be an accurate representation of your RTO’s practices.

You must notify ASQA within 90 days of the following:

  • Changes to executive officers or high managerial agents
  • Changes to financial administration status (e.g. liquidators being appointed)
  • Changes to legal name or type of legal entity
  • Changes to ownership, directorship or control (including changes to parent entities)
  • Significant mergers or associations with other RTOs
  • Registration (or application) with other education regulators (e.g. higher education provider with the Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency)
  • Anything that may affect the fit and proper person status of an influential representative of the RTO
  • Changes to any fundamental funding/revenue source (e.g. access to or loss of government funding contract allocation)
  • Changes to the RTO’s business strategy (e.g. more to online delivery, assessment-only delivery, offshore delivery)
  • Delivery to apprentices or trainees employed under a training contract
  • Any other significant event.

(clauses 8.1 and 8.2).

In the next post we will look into the “quality assurance” requirements and obligations for your RTO.

To be continued…

Reasonable adjustment in summative assessments

The concept of ‘reasonable adjustment’ is important and must be considered. This means that the summative assessment process may be modified so that individual participants are not disadvantaged. For example, a learner with a disability, or with issues relating to language, literacy or numeracy may require some adjustment to the assessment process.

In accordance with the Disability Standards for Education (2005), education providers are under a positive obligation to make changes to reasonably accommodate the needs of a learner with a disability. Reasonable adjustments can be made as required, as long as competence is not compromised.

We make changes to reasonably accommodate the needs of learners to ensure:

  • they have the same learning opportunities as other learners.
  • they have the same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as other learners.

For example, such a learner could be asked to demonstrate a work process rather than being asked to explain it in writing.

It is important to always provide the following information to your students, trainers and compliance officers:

  • Students with carer responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an additional language, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments.
  • Please note, academic standards of the unit/course will not be lowered to accommodate the needs of any student, but there is a requirement to be flexible about the way in which it is delivered or assessed.
  • The Disability Standards for Education requires institutions to take reasonable steps to enable the student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a student without a disability.
  • Trainer/Assessor must complete the “Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix” to ensure the explanation and correct strategy have been recorded and implemented.
  • Trainer/Assessor must notify the administration/compliance and quality assurance department for any reasonable adjustments made.
  • All evidence and supplementary documentation must be submitted with the assessment pack to the administration/compliance and quality assurance department.

A table has been provided below to list different categories where reasonable adjustments can also be made, possible issues associated with each category and reasonable adjustment strategy that you can apply: