Pandemic-related drop in enrolments and delays in student visa approvals causing chaos for RTOs

The pandemic has caused a sharp drop in enrolments at many Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), with some seeing a decline of up to 80%. This is due to a combination of factors, including the closure of international borders and the processing, postponement or cancellation of many overseas student visa applications.

Student visa approvals have also been delayed due to the pandemic, further compounding the problem. This has created a great deal of uncertainty for RTOs, which are already operating on tight margins.

The result is that RTOs are facing significant financial challenges, with some even having to close their doors. The Malka Group (TMG) is the recent training organisation that closed its door because of a drop in income and the substantial delays in processing student visa applications.

This has a knock-on effect on the Australian economy, as RTOs contribute millions of dollars each year.

The situation is particularly dire for those RTOs who rely heavily on international students, as they now face an uncertain future.

Many RTOs are now facing closure, as they cannot continue operating under these conditions. This is having a devastating impact on the Australian economy, as well as disrupting the lives of thousands of students.

The Australian government needs to urgently address this issue and provide support to RTOs to ensure they can continue operating. This includes providing financial assistance, fast-tracking student visa approvals, and increasing the number of places available for international students.

Without action, many RTOs will be forced to close their doors, causing immense hardship for both students and staff. The time to act is now.

The 2016-17 Skilled Occupations List (SOL)

2016-17 Skilled Occupations List (SOL) has been registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. The review of the SOL was conducted by the Department of Education and Training.

The SOL identifies occupations that would benefit from independent skilled migration for the purpose of meeting the medium to long-term skill needs of the Australian economy, where such needs may not be more appropriately met by sponsored migration programs or up-skilling Australians.

Khalsa Migration

We have a team of friendly migration consultants who have extensive experience in all visa types. Each member of our team is driven to succeed. Most of us have migrated to Australia ourselves and we fully appreciate what a successful visa outcome means for our clients.

All of our consultants are fully qualified and highly experienced at helping you achieve the end goal of obtaining an Australian visa. We operate according to the highest standards possible in compliance with a strict Code of Conduct. So, when you are with us, you can be absolutely certain that you will get only the most honest, ethical and confidential migration service in Australia.

Our mission is to help our clients find the quickest and easiest path to Australian permanent residence, if that is their ultimate goal. We pride ourselves on thinking outside the square. If there is any possible way for you to obtain an Australian visa, our migration consultants will find it and make it happen for you. We consistently deliver excellent visa outcomes for our clients and consequently most of our new clients are referred to us by existing or former clients.

Khalsa Education and Migration Solutions are experts in Australian Migration Law. Highly educated in, and up to date in, Australian Migration Law and Departmental policies which are used to interpret the legislation (which the Department makes its decisions based on). We’re governed by the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), & bound by a Code of Conduct. We’re required to maintain a professional library of legislation and policy which must be kept up-to-date, and we’re required to complete continual professional development (CPD) studies every year to keep abreast of the constantly changing rules and politics. And we need to pass stringent security and character checks. It’s also illegal for non-registered agents to give immigration advice in Australia.

Some examples of the type of people we help and how we have assisted them are;

  • Professionals looking at building a meaningful career and earning an Australian wage.
  • Parents searching for a world class education and family home for their children.
  • Couples wanting to be able to live together freely.

How Migration Agents help clients:

  • Assess your initial suitability for a visa
  • Choose the most suitable visa class/subclass for you
  • Plan a strategy for a successful application
  • Provide check-lists of your requirements (documents and relationship evidence)
  • Check all documents for accuracy and suitability
  • Certify documents
  • Prepare and submit the completed application professionally
  • Monitor progress and keep you informed
  • Liaise with the Department of Immigration & Citizenship on your behalf when required
  • Arrange for merits review at Tribunals when required (when problems exist)