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Effective feedback in both in-person and remote/virtual contexts

Feedback can be in-person, remote or virtual.

We have to be careful with what kind of feedback we provide, especially in a remote/virtual context. This is because the learner does not have the same context for learning that they would have when it’s in-person.

In-person/Traditional Instructional Setting

In-person feedback is a very common practice in the Traditional Instructional Setting.

It is used in an effort to provide all the information that a learner needs to improve their performance. The benefits of in-person feedback include:

  • Immediate feedback,
  • No time limit on feedback
  • Provides opportunities for informal discussions and interactions between peers and trainers.

Remote/Virtual Instructional Setting

Remote/Virtual Instructional Setting is a training and development technique that uses technology in an effective way to deliver training that can be consumed anytime.

The benefits of feedback received through remote or virtual settings include:

  • Learners may feel more comfortable talking about their work or learning in a non-threatening environment.
  • Learners can get the necessary feedback to move forward with their education without any difficulties.
  • Learners can be more efficient as they can complete assessments at their own pace.
  • The time spent on an assessment doesn’t take away from other activities such as classwork activities.

Both types of feedback should be based on the following main principles:

Honest – Providing honest feedback to students is a crucial part of any training. Trainers need to provide honest and constructive feedback to students in order for them to develop their skills and improve their performance.

Specific – Providing specific feedback to each student allows the training organisation to understand how the training is progressing and if individuals are receiving a quality experience. Some organisations neglect to provide specific feedback to students because it takes time and effort. However, this is an ineffective approach that leads to students not improving their work and not learning from mistakes.

Growth-oriented – Feedback should not just be given as a negative but as a means of guiding the learner towards success and growth. Feedback should be able to answer “why” questions, identify specific areas of improvement rather than just focus on general topics and provide solutions so the student can avoid similar mistakes in future. When you provide growth-oriented feedback, it should be related to the student’s current level of knowledge or skill set. This way, it will help them identify areas where they need more skill development and where they’re at their peak. Your feedback should also be relevant to your student’s career path and life goals.

Actionable – The importance of providing actionable feedback enables students to take their learning and apply this in a real-world scenario. Actionable feedback is crucial for students to learn about how they can improve and not just focus on the reason why they are not good at something. Providing actionable feedback also shows that you care about the student’s progress.

Timely – Providing timely feedback to students helps the students progress faster, learn better, and stay motivated.

Objective – In order to get better results from students, trainers need to provide structured and valid feedback. A structured feedback session consists of a few steps that provide an opportunity for the student to get insight into what they did right or wrong during the course. In addition, it also helps the trainer understand what areas they need to develop further in order to help them improve their training skills.

Consistent – By providing consistent feedback, the trainers are able to provide their learners with a focused, targeted learning experience. Some organisations create a ‘feedback loop’ which consists of identifying barriers such as lack of clarity, understanding and skills, and then providing feedback to address these points. This gives learners an opportunity to reflect on their progress and make changes accordingly.

Open communication between all parties – The success of any training organisation depends on how well it engages with its learners. If the training organisation doesn’t provide any feedback or encouragement, the learners could feel disengaged and may not continue with their studies.

The importance of constructive feedback

Feedback is an essential part of the training and education industry. It helps to understand what you are doing right and what needs to be fixed. Without feedback, it would be hard to know how you are doing in your career or even if you are on the right track.

Feedback is not only important for trainers and educators but also for the trainees and students of course. Feedback helps them understand how they can improve their skillset for future growth in their careers.

Feedback can be something that can make or break your career. In order to create a positive learning environment, feedback should be given in a constructive manner. This means that the learner should understand what they need to do to improve and what they can do to achieve their goals.

Feedback is an important part of the training and education industry. It helps learners identify their weaknesses and strengths, which in turn helps them develop better skills as well as build confidence.

The importance of constructive feedback in the training and education industry has been highlighted by many studies over the years. In order to create a positive learning environment, feedback should be given in a constructive manner so that the learner understands what they need to do to improve, what they could do better and ways they can achieve their goals.

When it comes to feedback, it is important to note that not all feedback is bad. Some are constructive and some are just plain old destructive.

Some of the most common types of feedback in the training and education industry are praise, criticism, and constructive feedback.

Constructive feedback is when someone with experience in the field provides skills or knowledge on how to improve what you are doing. It can be something like “I noticed you were starting to make these mistakes in your work” or “I see that you’re struggling with this topic right now”.

Checking what positive and productive feedback looks like: “That was great! It was easy to understand.”

Checking what negative and destructive feedback looks like: “I think you need to work on your speaking skills.”

Educators need to be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and also of their learners in order for them to learn how they can improve what they do best while still doing things that they love.

Educators should also focus on the different types of learners out there while providing feedback to them.

We are categorising learners into four different types:

A) Learners who need help with developing skills,
B) Learners who need help with knowledge retention,
C) Learners who need help with motivation,
D) Learners who are struggling with focus

The importance of feedback

To understand the importance of feedback, we should first understand the concept. Feedback is a way or process used to help an individual or a group reach their goal by providing information and suggestions on how to improve and advance. Feedback is also often provided after a task has been completed to provide relevant information for future practices.

The following are some ways that feedback can help improve performance:

– Provide continuous support
– Highlighting strengths
– Encouraging them to use the skills they already possess
– Providing accurate information about what they need to work on
– Shaping their behaviour for the future
– It provides the opportunity for improvement and development;
– Motivates individuals to get better at what they do;
– Builds trust among colleagues and helps the team be more productive.

The best possible ways to provide feedback to your learners with examples

There are five key principles of giving effective feedback:

  1. Respond quickly
  2. Give them context
  3. Provide examples where they are good at or need to improve
  4. Explain why you made the comment
  5. Give them an opportunity to respond

Before you go ahead, you need to set benchmarking criteria to evaluate your learners. All of them should be evaluated on the same criteria, not according to your mood on the day or personal preferences.

When giving feedback, you should clearly establish if a learner has demonstrated competency or a learner has not demonstrated competency according to the set assessment criteria. If a learner has not demonstrated competency then provide them comprehensive feedback where they can and they should make changes. If a learner has demonstrated competency then you need to be careful regarding what comments you include on assessment records and observation checklists.

Do not say “good work”!

This is the most common feedback that is given to the learners. It might sound like a nice thing, but it is actually more harmful than good. When you say good job, they think that you are praising them for their work whether it is right or wrong. They think that they are done with the task and this will make them complacent and less motivated to learn more.

Give examples where they are good at!

When you give examples of what the learner did well, they feel happy and confident about themselves. You can ask them how they solved a problem or provide an answer correctly – which will make them understand how to improve themselves in other areas as well. This kind of feedback also provides evidence of their success and helps them in self-development. Moreover, it’s a great way to encourage your learners to continue working hard.

Provide a list of keywords or phrases which the learner will use to self-assess their performance and improve their knowledge and skills. For example, The learner should have been able to identify the following xxx from this task and so on.

How feedback affects your learners

Quality feedback is one of the most important aspects that can help learners to improve their performance. It helps them to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses and gives them a direction as to what they should focus on.

There is no such thing as a black and white answer but you need to be creative in your approach. There are a number of factors that affect how you give feedback which include:

  • The learner’s past experience or knowledge about the topic
  • The learner’s current mood
  • The more time you spend with the learner
  • Your own personality

What should you consider when giving feedback:

Feedback is a crucial element of any form of learning. It is the only way to know what the learners are doing well and what they need to improve on.

The best way to provide feedback is to give constructive criticism. This type of feedback has the power to transform your learners, and help them improve their skills.

Studies have shown that when criticism is predominantly negative, it might discourage learners from putting in their best effort and achieving their goals (Hattie & Timperley, 2007, Dinham).

It is vital to give feedback in order to make your learners know what their performance levels are in different areas. It is important to mention where they are good at, where they need to improve, and the reasons behind it.

Feedback should be focused on the learner’s progress rather than his or her abilities or skills.

You must consider the following four key considerations when giving feedback:

  • What exactly is it that the learner is able to do?
  • What exactly is it that the learner is unable to do?
  • What is the learner’s work like in comparison to other learners’ work?
  • What can the learner do to improve his or her performance?

Modelling good behaviour by providing constructive feedback about your learners’ performance.

When giving feedback, you must recognise and understand the difference between where your learners can improve and what is considered as competent or not yet competent. You cannot and should not give a learner paragraphs of what they did wrong against the set criteria of evaluation/assessment and then make them competent in the same task.

Unfocused comments

Unfocused comments are generally found to be scattered, unfocused, and often cause confusion. These comments are also more personal in nature rather than learner-centred.

When giving feedback to learners, it is important to make sure the comments are relevant and not unfocused.

Some examples of unfocused comments:

  1. The sentence structure was too complicated and confusing.
  2. I don’t like this sentence because it seems like you’re trying to sound smart and it’s not working.
  3. This paragraph is irrelevant and makes no sense.
  4. This is adequate
  5. You should be careful regarding

Dismissive, sarcastic comments

The following are examples of dismissive, sarcastic comments to your learners as feedback:
– “This is so much better than the last one.”
– “Ok, you got this.”
– “This is copied from the lecture.”

Feedback can be perceived as passing the buck.

When you’re giving feedback to your learners, it’s important to be constructive and specific.

Feedback that passes the buck is just as bad as no feedback at all. It’s important to give your learners constructive, specific feedback so they know what they need to work on. For example: “I noticed you spoke really quickly.” or “I think you could work on your pronunciation.”

Lets now focus on some examples of good feedback

Example 1: Where resubmission is required

Answering question number 2 of assessment 1 required you to identify three different items, and the items were A., B, and C. B and C, you’ve covered all three points, but B should include this XXXXXXXXXXXXX information as well. Can you please submit this question again?

Example 2: Where a student has demonstrated competence

Answering question number 2 of assessment 1 required you to identify three different items. The items were A, B, and C and you’ve covered all three points with the correct information, well done.

Another example could be

When answering question 3 in the project you have shown your depth of understanding and knowledge. Your research skills have provided you with the knowledge to provide the correct information.

The benefits of effective communication systems, practices and processes

Communication is the key to building successful relationships and human connections. It’s also the key to success in any professional field. Effective communication is essential to the success of any training or education program. Effective communication is not easy, it requires effort and time.

Effective communication systems in any training and education business will ensure that all stakeholders such as trainers, educators, trainees and learners are on the same page. It will also help them communicate with each other efficiently. Training organisations should take some time to analyse their communication systems to identify any problems.

  • Communication systems: The tools that connect people with the organisation’s strategy and direction. It includes communication protocols, signage, maps, floor plans, venues and schedules
  • Practices: These establish what needs to be communicated and how to communicate it effectively. A process-based approach helps improve communication effectiveness. Provides clarity on what needs to be communicated by creating a schedule for communications as well as shared understanding between teams and team members. It includes how to talk to each other and create a culture conducive to achieving team goals
  • Procedures: These establish how communication is expected across all levels of an organisation such as who has authority over the different types of communication.

The other benefits of effective communication in the training and education industry include:

– Increased retention rates
– Increased student engagement
– Improved assessment results
– Improved course completion rates
– Improves training and education experiences for instructors and participants
– Promotes a positive culture of learning
– Improves productivity
– Improved morale
– Decrease racial tension
– Increase productivity rates

Effective communication between trainers and students

Trainers need to be able to effectively convey their message to students in order for them to get immersed into the learning. Similarly, trainers must be able to communicate across different disciplines in order for students of various backgrounds to understand the material.

The benefits are clear for both trainers and assessors and students who are able to learn skills that are applicable in their careers or education.

Effective communication between different team members

The training and education industry is fast-growing. With the increasing demand, the need for effective communication between team members has also increased.

There are several ways to provide effective communication between different team members. This includes verbal, nonverbal, and written communication. A combination of all these forms of communication is recommended to be most effective.

– One way of achieving effective communication between different team members in the training and education industry can be by developing a non-threatening atmosphere that will allow people to speak their minds openly.
– Another way of achieving effective communication between different team members in the training and education industry can be by establishing common grounds on which everyone agrees on what needs to happen.

Effective communication with external stakeholders

Effective communication is the cornerstone of training and education. The way you communicate with your external stakeholders is something that can make or break the success of your organisation.

To be effective, communication should be timely and tailored to their needs and interests. You should understand their needs and interests so that you can tailor your message in a way that they will listen to and understand. The best way to communicate with them is through different methods such as email, phone calls, social media, etc.

In order to learn how to effectively communicate with external stakeholders, we can approach it from different angles:

– Observing and analysing the culture and current trends of your target audience: This helps you understand their needs and gives you creative ideas on what they want.
– Teaching them that they are valued: This helps build their confidence in your program. It also demonstrates that they should not feel ashamed for having such needs and instead can take pride in what they have achieved so far.
– Building a personal connection: This builds trust between your target audience and yourself so that they can easily feel comfortable

How to be an effective communicator

To be an effective communicator, one must pay attention to social cues, information, and emotion. Effective communicators are also flexible in adjusting behaviour depending on the needs of the situation.

The best way to create an effective communication system is to start with a list of priorities which include:

– Be specific about what you’re trying to communicate: What? ‘What did you learn today?’ When? ‘What did we learn at 4 p.m.?’ Who? ‘Who did we learn from today?’
– Make sure that you’re careful about how your message is delivered: What tone should your voice be in – upbeat or energetic, excited or nervous

How to create effective communication systems, practices and procedures

Effective communication can be achieved by following some key principles. These include creating a caring atmosphere where students feel comfortable coming forward with their opinions and questions, developing rapport with your students so you can connect on a personal level, providing feedback rather than criticism, and promoting trust among peers by being transparent with your intentions. The best way to create an effective communication system is with a clear structure that covers all activities in your organization, including events, meetings, information sharing, feedback sharing and more.

There are many ways for you to keep track of your progress throughout the process: make sure you have a progress chart or charting tools like Microsoft Teams or Excel or Google Slide (or even use paper) which keeps track of all major milestones.

A well-designed system creates an environment where people feel supported, listened to and valued for their contributions. When creating effective communication systems, practices and procedures in the training industry, management must be involved to ensure that these systems will meet their needs.

Attract people, places and things perfect for your growth

People, places and things are all aspects of life that can help or harm your growth. It is, therefore, important to understand why and how you should attract people, places and things perfect for your personal and professional growth. If you don’t, you will not be able to make the right connections. You can make your decision on whether to keep what you have or start over by asking the question: “How do I grow?

People, places and things are essential for personal and professional growth. In order to attract the right people for your business, you need to be aware of the different types of people that exist in the world.

Attracting people: People are not just created by their environment; they also need to be able to see the value in you. Some examples of methods to attract people could be: “building an online reputation”, “getting endorsements” and “winning awards”. These methods can be used as a stepping stone to improving your personal or professional life as well as attracting the right people.

Why should you attract people?

– It helps build relationships with new friends or business partners who could be valuable resources for your needs.
– Attracting them also gives your company credibility through big names in the industry.
– Attracting the right talent or clients for your business is essential to its success.

Attracting places: Attracting a perfect place for your personal growth is not as easy as it sounds. But there are some factors that you should consider when trying to figure out where best to go on vacation or relocate your business. Some examples of methods to attract places could be: “visiting somewhere you’ve never been before”, “making a purchase in a store” and “attending an event”. These could also help you grow because they might give you ideas or even introduce you to new friends and opportunities.

Attracting things: It is important to know the difference between the things you want and the things you need in order to grow. The difference is that things you need are essential for your growth while the things you want may not be vital for it. First, by attracting something perfect for our growth, we can focus on what we’re good at – doing what we love. Second, it provides us with more motivation and confidence in pursuing our goals because they’re already met halfway through! Finally, by attracting what’s needed for our growth instead of what’s wanted, there will be less stress to find something that meets both needs and wants. If you want to attract things perfect for your personal and professional growth, it’s important to be aware of what is in your comfort zone and then do something different that will challenge it. You might be reluctant but you will learn something new in the process that will allow you to be more successful in the long run.

People, places and things come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can be big, little, hard to get to, or hard to find. The three are not mutually exclusive – the best thing you can do is to attract people, places and things that are right for you.

You should focus on attracting people who have a similar mindset to you, share your values and have a similar goal as you do. A good way to do this is by connecting with them online through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

Once you find the right place for your business, make sure that it fits your needs as well as those of your target audience.

Attracting the right people, places and things can be challenging. It is important to find what you are looking for and know the right way to attract these people, places and things.

Why should you attract people best suited for your personal growth?

– To grow your network – Connect with new people that can help you or act as a resource in the future.
– To grow your social capital – Attracting more people will give you more credibility with them, which can help when potential clients come knocking on your door.
– To learn new skills – By attracting other experts in their field who share your interests, you will have access to their knowledge without having to work hard for it.
– To find mentors – Attracting experts who are looking out for others like yourself

What you can do to attract the right audience

Understand your core values

The first thing you need to do is start with your core values. What are the things that are important to you? What does success mean for you? What are your ambitions? Then, think about how these core values align with what you want out of life. For example, someone who has a strong value in financial health would attract people who support their financial health by joining them on their journey toward financial independence or enrolling in their coaching program.

Once you have an idea of what things function best for your core values, think about which avenues would be most beneficial to attract the right people.

Build up your reputation

You can also build up your reputation by providing value in everything you do. You can create an online presence that gets people interested in what you do – your blog or website, social profiles or even career development plans like an e-book or webinars.

Think about the bigger picture

You may have a lot of choices when it comes to attracting people, places and things perfect for your personal and professional growth. It is important to think about the bigger picture in order to make sure you are making the right choice.

Get endorsements

It is important for businesses to make use of endorsements and testimonials as they can help them grow. When you want to attract new customers, the best option is to make use of endorsements.

By posting a message of their endorsement on social media and reaching out to influencers, brands can attract new customers and profit from their efforts. The more endorsements the brand gets, the more effective its marketing strategy becomes.

Some of the most effective ways of attracting people or things are through promotions and advertising on social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram.

Winning awards

The three components of growth are new customers, increased sales and increased market share. Winning awards will help to attract new customers, increase sales and increase market share.

The benefits of winning awards would be increased revenue which will help to grow the company in the long run. This is especially important when you want to attract people and places that are perfect for your growth such as a culture-rich location or people with the right skill sets.

Think about the different ways that people can get in touch with you

– cross-platform publishing tools: Buffer, Hootsuite, SocialFlow, Sprout Social, WordPress blog posts
– email marketing: MailChimp, MadMimi
– social media marketing: Buffer, Hootsuite, Twitter ads

Each of these methods can be used as a stepping stone to improving your personal or professional life as well as attracting the right people.

Become stronger than your fears

You must have heard the saying that ‘fear is the mind-killer’. Just like how fear can stop you from making decisions, it can also stop you from achieving your dreams.

Fear can paralyse us when we are in tough situations. But when we are able to overcome our fears, it can give us huge benefits. It is important to know how to become stronger than your fears and use that power for positive change in your life.

Many people struggle with fear because they become paralysed by the thought that they cannot do something. There are many reasons for this struggle, but if you want to build up character, you need to overcome this struggle and create a plan of action for how you will move forward despite your fear.

Fear can be paralysing but there are ways in which you can become stronger than your fear. One way is by having a “fear-plan” where you write down all the things that scare you, list the pros and cons of the things

Fears and anxiety will always be there. But we should try to overcome them and cope with them. To overcome your fear, you must understand its root cause and tackle it head-on.

Anxiety is a feeling of restless fear, worry, or concern about something with an uncertain outcome. Anxiety can be healthy as it helps us prepare for potential hazards and avoid harmful situations. However, anxiety can become unhealthy when it turns into a chronic condition that interferes with daily life.

The key is to learn how to manage anxiety so that it doesn’t interfere with everyday life. It’s best to practice mindfulness strategies like deep breathing or meditation on a regular basis in order to calm the mind and body down during moments of stress or high levels of emotion – which often come from our fears of failure,

Sometimes fear is a natural result of a traumatic event in our past. It’s the same with the dangers of having a phobia. However, when fear is your default mode, you make yourself weaker and less resilient. Therefore, it is important to find ways to become stronger than your fears.

We all suffer from phobias for different reasons. Some celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres or Gwyneth Paltrow have openly admitted that they are afraid of public speaking. And one study found that most people suffer from performance anxiety, for example, when they have to give a presentation in front of an audience.

If you are looking for ways to achieve your dreams, then there are many things that you need to do first. One of these things is overcoming your fears and not letting fear rule your life.

But what happens when fear keeps you stuck?

What do you do if you’re terrified of public speaking- even though it’s your job? Or if you’re terrified of asking for a raise because you don’t want to seem pushy? Or what if you’re terrified of leaving your current relationship because it means that you’ll have to start over again and risk the chance of getting hurt?

The answer is that people often feel stuck and end up doing nothing about their fear. This can be extremely problematic because fear can also create self-limiting beliefs, causing issues with productivity, feelings of inadequacy, making it difficult to take risks and causing people to withdraw from social situations.

To overcome your fear, there are a few things that you should do first:

– Understand what your fears are: It can be hard to identify what your fears are, but there are some general ones that have been shown to hold most people back in life such as fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of judgment, and lack of confidence
– Break down the root cause: A lot of times when we experience these fears we don’t recognise them as they appear in our lives. So break down the root cause and figure out what’s behind these emotions
– Challenge yourself first and then take small steps into it: What’s the first thing that comes to mind when someone says ‘dare’? Most people will say something like ‘I dare not’ or ‘I’m not ready yet. But what would happen if we try challenging our fears?
– How did you come out of it in the past: There are many things that can make you stronger than your fear. One of the best ways is to start by telling yourself a story about how you might have overcome your fear in the past.

The other strategies include:

– Change your perspective and challenging the thoughts involved in the fear
– Do something that makes you feel good
– Find support from friends and family
– focus on what you control
– be confident, don’t let others take advantage of you
– use positivity
– refocusing on what you actually want

How to become stronger than your fears?

With all the strategies mentioned above, you can also use these few other tactics as well:

  1. Accept that you’re afraid, but know that it’s okay to feel uncertain. If you’re not sure about something now, then take the risk and see what happens.
  2. Figure out how you think about fear so you can challenge your preconceived notions about it by asking yourself questions like “What if I was wrong? What if I win? What if this worked really well for me?”
  3. Take control over your thoughts by meditating or journaling as often as possible.
  4. Become aware of what triggers your fear in the first place
  5. Examine why our fear is irrational
  6. Identify ways in which you can control this fear

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance

We are living in a world where work is no longer confined to the office. In the age of digitalisation, that is why work-life balance has been a hot topic. Whether you are working from home, the airport or the coffee shop, it is important to make sure that you are keeping your work-life balance in check. The most important thing in life is to be happy, and in order to be happy, you need to keep a balance between the work you do and the time you spend on other things. It might be hard in some cases to figure out what you should prioritize more when it comes to your work-life balance, but this article will help by giving you some tips on how to do it.

People who have a better work-life balance will be more productive and have more energy to put into their work when they are in it.

Work-life balance is an important part of any job. It’s important to know your limits and find a schedule that works for you.

There are many advantages to working from home, such as not having to commute or worry about getting stuck in traffic. However, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance because we’re not forced by anyone else to take breaks or do something we don’t want to do.

We live in a society where the rate of work is at its height. Maintaining a healthy balance between your job and life is crucial for a successful career as well as a healthy life. However, it is not an easy task for many people when they have less free time than ever before.

To lead a happy life, we need balance in our lives between work and leisure time with family and friends, love interests or hobbies.

Every individual has a different definition of work-life balance and it is important to understand what needs to be done to achieve it. Work-life balance is the balance between work and life. It can be an advantage for some people, while others may prefer to have a career with more job security.

Work-life balance is an issue that can affect anyone. It’s not about working less or more, but finding the right balance between two worlds: work and personal life. The strategies for achieving it are diverse, but there are some points that should be avoided in order to have a better work-life balance.

People who have a good work-life balance are the ones who invest in themselves and their family, know how much time they can dedicate to both jobs & home every day, take breaks from time to time, have a clear understanding of what they want from life and how much success they want from their careers.

Work-life balance is a very important part of someone’s life. It helps to maintain a perfect harmony between professional life and personal life. Work-life balance is when there is an equilibrium between the time dedicated to working and the time dedicated to one’s personal life.

Work-life balance can positively influence job satisfaction, happiness, health, productivity, individual well-being, and even organizational effectiveness.


In this section, we want to explore the advantages and strategies of balancing work and life. We will also talk about things to avoid and things to do in order to be happy and satisfied with both jobs and home.

Work-life balance can be achieved in many ways.

  • You can try going for a walk before you go to work or eating breakfast before going into the office. This will not only give you energy, but it will also give you more time during the day.
  • Take breaks to recharge your energy and keep your stress levels down
  • Take advantage of the time you spend working by having a balanced life outside of work too
  • Find time for self-care
  • Get support from friends, family, or people in your workplace
  • Pare down your workload
  • Make use of the vacation time that you have built up over the year
  • Take care of yourself by engaging in physical activity outside work hours
  • Be realistic about your work and life expectations: It is important to know what you can realistically achieve in your career, both professionally and personally.
  • Prioritise work-life balance: Knowing exactly what is most important to you will help you determine how much time you should dedicate to each area of your life, as well as how much time you should put towards achieving a balance between these two areas
  • Protect your personal time: Work-life balance is achieved when we protect our personal time and put boundaries around it
  • Make intentional choices: Having a plan in place will allow us to make better decisions around our priorities and focus on achieving our goals
  • Balancing personal and professional life
  • Taking a break from work to recharge
  • Working flexible hours to reduce stress
  • Set priorities on what you value most.
  • Use technology to cut down distractions and avoid interruptions.
  • Unplug from devices at the end of the day and turn off notifications during weekends and vacations.
  • Spend time with people you care about outside of work hours, whether it is through your social media network or in-person through a social gathering or a date night that doesn’t revolve around business conversations or networking events.
  • Find time to think big picture about your career and how it’s impacting your personal life, such as taking an inventory of how much time you spend each day on professional tasks versus

It is important for employers and employees alike to know about these strategies and implement them into their lives because they will lead to greater success in the long run.

We are looking for a Senior Compliance and Quality Assurance Manager to join our team at CAQA, Career Calling International.

We are seeking a Senior Compliance and Quality Assurance Manager to join our management team.

To be successful in this position, you need to be well-versed in risk management principles, regulatory and legislative instruments and standards. You need to also be solutions-focused and provide evidence-based advice to organisations involved in training and assessment of students.

Main responsibilities:

  • Oversee all CAQA’s compliance-related operations
  • Provide RTO, CRICOS, ELICOS, TEQSA and ideally ANMAC consultancy services
  • Assist training organisations with compliance, risk management, and quality assurance
  • Create and periodically review organisational policies and through detailed reports, advise organisations on management of compliance with applicable laws and regulations
  • Create and manage effective action plans in the event of non-compliant audit findings.
  • Audit organisational procedures, methods, and records to discover potential weaknesses, risks or vulnerabilities
  • Ascertain that all staff and clients are informed of the most recent legislation and processes.
  • Conduct regular evaluations of the efficiency of control systems and make appropriate recommendations for improvement

To fit with our organisation you must be passionate about improving quality at all levels in the training sector and have excellent presentation and language skills. You must have a solid understanding of the frameworks, guidelines and regulations that govern and regulate the industry. A solution-focused mindset and a good sense of humour will also be beneficial.

Interested in this position? Click on the link below:

How to make reasonable adjustment in summative assessments

The concept of ‘reasonable adjustment’ is important and must be considered. This means that the summative assessment process may be modified so that individual participants are not disadvantaged. For example, a learner with a disability, or with issues relating to language, literacy or numeracy may require some adjustment to the assessment process.

In accordance with the Disability Standards for Education (2005), education providers are under a positive obligation to make changes to reasonably accommodate the needs of a learner with a disability. Reasonable adjustments can be made as required, as long as competence is not compromised.

We make changes to reasonably accommodate the needs of learners to ensure:

  • they have the same learning opportunities as other learners.
  • they have the same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as other learners.

For example, such a learner could be asked to demonstrate a work process rather than being asked to explain it in writing.

It is important to always provide the following information to your students, trainers and compliance officers:

  • Students with carer responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an additional language, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments.
  • Please note, academic standards of the unit/course will not be lowered to accommodate the needs of any student, but there is a requirement to be flexible about the way in which it is delivered or assessed.
  • The Disability Standards for Education requires institutions to take reasonable steps to enable the student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a student without a disability.
  • Trainer/Assessor must complete the “Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix” to ensure the explanation and correct strategy have been recorded and implemented.
  • Trainer/Assessor must notify the administration/compliance and quality assurance department for any reasonable adjustments made.
  • All evidence and supplementary documentation must be submitted with the assessment pack to the administration/compliance and quality assurance department.

A table has been provided below to list different categories where reasonable adjustments can also be made, possible issues associated with each category and reasonable adjustment strategy that you can apply:

The role of trainer in a training organisation

Trainers don’t just train. They listen, they learn, they plan, they adapt, they help, they soothe, they challenge and they tolerate. Students expect all this, and often more besides. But, for a Trainer to be effective at training, they must be very clear about what is most important. Fortress Learning gave it some thought and came up with the following list – it is not everything, but it captures what they believe the most important things are. And it doesn’t matter if it is the Cert IV TAE or Diploma of Business or something entirely different, if we get this right, then we have the best chance of success.

Adapted and shared with the permission from Fortress Learning. Reference

‘Energising Tasmania’ agreement signed

The Australian and Tasmanian Governments have signed an agreement that will support thousands of Tasmanians through the delivery of fee-free training to develop a skilled workforce for the renewable energy and related sectors.
The Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, the Hon Michaelia Cash, said the $17 million Energising Tasmania project will equip Tasmanians with the skills to support the Battery of the Nation initiative.
“The Morrison Government is removing the barriers that inhibit people in Tasmania from taking up further skilling through the vocational education and training (VET) sector such as upfront costs of training,” Minister Cash said.
“In addition, we are supporting Tasmania to establish a local industry advisory group, build capacity in the training market and undertake dedicated workforce planning activities – all aimed at building the skills needed for the critically important Battery of the Nation initiative.
“The advisory group will engage with employers and registered training organisations to support the development of the workforce needed for the renewable energy and related sectors more broadly.”
Assistant Minister for Vocational Education, Training and Apprenticeships, the Hon Steve Irons MP, said Energising Tasmania will support the delivery of high-quality training in priority areas.
“Energising Tasmania will deliver up to 2,500 fully subsidised training places, including traineeships, apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeships, in areas of identified skills need, Assistant Minister Irons said.
Assistance of up to $1,000 per learner will also be available to cover costs associated with training, such as books and materials, and student amenity fees.
Energising Tasmania is part of the Australian Government’s $585 million Delivering Skills for Today and Tomorrow package.

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