Message from the CEO (12 August 2022)

Message from the CEO

This issue of the VET Sector is especially significant for us as our mother company Career Calling is celebrating 13 years in business. As a result, our newsletter contains some really awesome articles.

The VET Sector is a newsletter and magazine devoted to the training sector, providing information, resources, and articles for everyone involved in Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Among the topics we cover are compliance, resources, and best practices for RTOs. There is a lot of information here that can help RTOs improve their operations and serve their students more effectively.

In this edition of The VET Sector, we cover articles related to compliance and resources. These articles cover everything from trainers and marketing to operations, governance, administration, and compliance.

What do you think? How can we improve The VET Sector? Please share your thoughts and comments?


Sukh Sandhu


13th Anniversary of Career Calling

Happy Anniversary to us! At Career Calling, we are celebrating 13 years of providing compliance services and resources to training organisations across the country.

At Career Calling we have assisted over a thousand training providers to meet compliance and regulatory requirements from setting up their RTO’s, to assisting with non-compliances, sitting in audits and providing them with audit-ready resources.

As a thank you for your support, we offering all our customers a MASSIVE 70% off all our developed training and assessment resources.

So if you’re a training or education provider, now is the time to take advantage of our offer and get compliant training and assessment resources.

*Please note pre-order products are not included in the sale.

The intelligence of different types

Intelligence is a complex topic, and there is much debate surrounding what it actually is and how it can be measured. However, psychologists generally agree that there are four main types of intelligence: the Intelligence Quotient (IQ), the Emotional Quotient (EQ), the Social Quotient (SQ), and the Adversity Quotient (AQ).

Each of these types of intelligence has its own unique benefits and can be helpful in different ways. For example, someone with a high IQ may be good at problem-solving and critical thinking, while someone with a high EQ might be better at managing emotions and empathising with others.

Knowing more about the different types of intelligence can help you understand your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as how you can best support others. It can also be helpful in choosing a career or educational path that suits your individual strengths.

Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a measure of a person’s intellectual abilities and potential. It is often used as a predictor of academic success and job performance. You can measure your comprehension level by your Intelligence Quotient (IQ). In order to solve math problems, memorise things, and recall lessons, you need IQ.

The Emotional Quotient (EQ)

The Emotional Quotient (EQ) is a measure of a person’s ability to identify and manage their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Those with a high EQ are often said to be more successful in personal relationships and in their careers. In addition to maintaining peace with others, keeping time, being responsible, being honest, respecting boundaries, being humble, genuine, and considerate, the Emotional Quotient (EQ) is a measure of your ability to keep a positive attitude toward others.

The Social Quotient (SQ)

The Social Quotient (SQ) is a measure of a person’s ability to interact effectively with others. Those with a high SQ are typically good at communication and networking and are often successful in fields such as sales and marketing.

A person’s Social Quotient (SQ) determines their ability to establish and maintain a network of friends over time. High EQ and SQ people tend to succeed in life more than those with a high IQ but low EQ and SQ. The majority of schools emphasise improving IQ levels while neglecting EQ and SQ. Despite having an average IQ, a man with a high IQ can be hired by a man with a high EQ and SQ. Character is represented by your EQ, while charisma is represented by your SQ. Efforts to improve your SQ and EQ will be most beneficial.

The Adversity Quotient (AQ)

The Adversity Quotient (AQ) is a measure of a person’s ability to cope with and overcome adversity. Those with a high AQ are often said to be more resilient and adaptable and are better able to bounce back from setbacks. It is a measure of your mental toughness and ability to recover from adversity without losing yourself. When troubles arise, AQ determines who will give up, who will abandon their families, and who will contemplate suicide.

Focus on these quotients as a parent

Exposing children to a variety of experiences can help them develop their IQ, EQ, SQ, and AQ. Parents should encourage their children to try new things, meet new people, and face challenges. By doing so, children can learn to think critically, manage their emotions, navigate social situations, and overcome obstacles. These skills will help them throughout their lives. So, parents should not only focus on their children’s academics, but also on developing their IQ, EQ, SQ, and AQ. By doing so, they will be preparing their children for success in all areas of life.

A well-rounded education will not only make them smarter individuals but better people as well. They will know how to empathize with others, how to communicate, how to work well under pressure, and how to handle difficult situations. All of these skills are essential in the real world.

So don’t forget to encourage your children to explore all aspects of life – not just academics!

Developing all four quotients in your students is important

As a training organisation, it is important to focus on the development of all four quotients in your students. Each one plays an important role in success both inside and outside the classroom.

The intelligence quotient (IQ) measures a person’s cognitive abilities and potential, providing a score that indicates how well they are likely to do in school and in other intellectual pursuits. Emotional quotient (EQ) is a measure of a person’s ability to perceive, understand, and manage emotions. It is important for success in both personal and professional relationships. Social quotient (SQ) measures a person’s ability to interact with others and is important for success in both personal and professional settings. Adversity quotient (AQ) is a measure of a person’s ability to persevere in the face of adversity and is an important predictor of success in life.

While all four of these quotients are important, the EQ, SQ, and AQ are often seen as being more important than IQ for success in life. This is because they measure abilities that are more important for success in the real world than IQ.

So, as a training organisation, it is important to focus on the development of all four quotients in your students. Each one plays an important role in success both inside and outside the classroom.

While a high IQ is certainly helpful in life, it is not the be-all and end-all. EQ, SQ, and AQ are just as important, if not more so. So make sure to focus on developing all four quotients in your students!

Identify contextualisation needs based on the candidate and, where relevant, the candidate’s workplace

Based on the assessment resources, you need to identify the contextualisation needs of the candidate. This may include:

  • The specific industry or sector in which the candidate works
  • The specific job role or roles that the candidate performs
  • The specific tasks that the candidate is required to perform in their job role(s)
  • The specific knowledge, skills and attributes that the candidate needs to possess in order to perform their job role(s) effectively
  • The specific workplace environment in which the candidate works
  • The specific organisational requirements of the organisation in which the candidate works.

Once you have identified the contextualisation needs for the candidate, you will need to determine how these needs can be met. This may involve:

  • Modifying the assessment resources to make them more relevant to the candidate’s specific industry, sector, job role(s), tasks, knowledge, skills and attributes
  • providing additional resources to the candidate that are specifically related to their industry, sector, job role(s), tasks, knowledge, skills and attributes
  • ensuring that the assessor is familiar with the candidate’s specific industry, sector, job role(s), tasks, knowledge, skills and attributes.

It is important to ensure that the contextualisation needs of the candidate are met as this will enable the candidate to demonstrate their true capabilities and potential during the assessment process. By meeting the contextualisation needs of the candidate, you will also be ensuring that the assessment process is fair, valid and reliable.

Edu Learning – Your door to professional development opportunities

We would love to have you join our professional development retainer agreement services or individual professional development opportunities through Edu Learning. Our organisation works with the aim to help you grow your skills in a fun and interactive way. The benefits of joining our organisation are numerous, from getting tips from VET experts and industry leaders to building a network of peers, who can help you move forward in your career.

Intellectually stimulating and engaging content is what we excel at. We offer training programs that will provide your staff with the practical skills and strategies that they need to be successful in their careers in this competitive market – whether it’s in marketing, finance or RTO operations.

The benefits of being part of our professional development group include:

– Developing a better understanding of the role of a VET professional
– Getting in-depth training in different RTO sector skill sets that meet your and your organisation’s needs and requirements.

In partnership with Edu Learning and CAQA Skills, CAQA provides a variety of professional and personal development opportunities. We may also tailor the training to meet your specific requirements and skill level as well. For additional details, please contact us right away at

CAQA Systems Services

CAQA Systems provides technology services and support, and works in partnership with its customers.

We collaborate with innovative organisations and service providers, assisting them in maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of their technology investments.

We specialise in network administration, software systems and development, hardware and software support, software system and development, cybersecurity, information technology-related issues and matters.

We provide support to the education, medical, government, marketing, retail, hospitality, food, non-profit organisations, financial, and transportation industries.

Get in touch with us to discuss how we can assist you with your requirements.

For additional details, please contact us right away at


CAQA Recruitment

Are you looking for staff?

At CAQA Recruitment we help employers find talent for their organisation. We understand that hiring is a complex and sometimes costly process. However, it can be simplified and made easy on a budget by opting for our services. Our recruitment platform receives a huge number of interest from applicants who are seeking new opportunities in the VET sector. Best of all your first ad is FREE

For more information, please click here.

Looking for a new opportunity?

Whether you are a jobseeker, seeking additional hours, or not satisfied with your current job, you can find a new opportunity that suits your skills and experience through CAQA Recruitment. New vacancies are posted regularly. The process is simple! Register with us, upload your resume and begin your search.You decide how much or how little information you want to display. So what are you waiting for? Register today and let employers find you.

For more information, please click here.

Online Media Solutions (OMS) Services

Over the past two decades, Online Media Solutions (OMS) has provided assistance to clients worldwide. OMS merged into the CAQA and Career Calling brands in 2013.

Services offered by Online Media Solutions include: website design and development; website security; web hosting; domains marketplace; development of iOS and Android applications; software development; graphics design including logos, website graphics; social media graphics; marketing graphics; brand identity; stationery design; SEO; marketing services; website support; data entry; database management; and data entry and database management services

We have been working on hundreds of SCORM-compliant files and are making investments in virtual reality, gamification, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge technologies in order to meet new and developing training and assessment needs.

Call us on 1800 961 980 or email to find out more on how we can assist.


CAQA Recruitment – The current job vacancies

Resource writers

CAQA Resources is looking for qualified instructional writers and subject matter experts to develop training materials for the community services and health services industries. If you are interested, email your resume and cover letter to

Marketing Manager

This role is responsible for setting and applying the strategic direction and for the day to day management of our organisation’s marketing, communications, digital innovation, and community activities. Reporting to the CEO, this position will also play a pivotal role as a member of the management team of CAQA. The position will suit a person who wants to work from home.


  • Oversee the development, implementation and ongoing evaluation of CAQA’s strategic marketing and communications strategies covering brand, products, services and sales promotions;
  • Assess and provide recommendations on potential digital projects, including but not limited to the evolution of CAQA’s websites, lead generation platforms, customer communication opportunities;
  • Manage social media profiles, create ongoing content and encourage engagement;
  • Oversight of all communication activities to achieve communications objectives, maintaining consistency in message and presentation;
  • Manage relationships with external agencies and suppliers in relation to marketing, communication and business development initiatives;
  • Management and control of the marketing budget;
  • Create and monitor insightful reporting across marketing activities, including campaigns and website.

Preferred Experience

  • Experience in marketing, and/or product management roles required
  • Interest in the Vocational Education and Training environment
  • Advanced skills in Adobe Creative Suite
  • Experience using a website CMS
  • Experience using marketing software
  • Experience with Pipedrive CRM, or similar

For more information, contact

Customer Service/Administrator

CAQA Resources is growing and we are now looking for a Customer Service/Administrator person to join our team. To be successful in this role you will need exceptional attention to detail and great English language skills. You will need to know your way around Microsoft Office and you must be able to work both as part of a team and manage your own workload. Location is irrelevant as the position will suit a person who wants to work from home.

Our customers are High Schools, RTOs and TAFEs. They mainly approach us by email, but we also receive a number of calls and requests for additional information. You must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

We are looking for someone who will stay with us long term, has the ability to grow with the role, and who is interested in learning about compliance and the VET sector. Previous VET experience will be helpful but is not essential.

For more information, contact

Message from the CEO (17 July 2022)

Message from the CEO

A training sector magazine and newsletter, The VET Sector, features articles, resources, and information for all stakeholders of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). We cover relevant and important topics to RTOs, such as compliance, resources, and best practices. RTOs will find valuable information here that will help them improve their operations and serve their students better.

We have covered a number of compliance and resources-related articles in this edition of The VET Sector. There is something for everyone in these articles, from trainers and marketing to operations, governance, administration, and compliance.

We would love to hear your thoughts, comments, and ideas about how to improve The VET Sector.

Sukh Sandhu


What you need to know about sustaining your ed-tech startup after the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a game-changer for the ed-tech industry. The sector has seen a dramatic increase in demand for its products and services as schools and universities move to online learning models.

However, the pandemic has also created challenges for ed-tech start-ups, who are facing pressure to scale up their operations quickly and efficiently. In this article, we’ll share some strategies that ed-tech start-ups can use to sustain their businesses post-pandemic.

Review your value proposition

The first step is to review your value proposition and make sure it is still relevant in the current climate. What problem are you solving for your customers? How does your product or service meet their needs?

If you find that your offering is no longer as valuable as it once was, now is the time to pivot and focus on a new area.

Focus on online delivery

If you haven’t already, now is the time to focus on delivering your product or service online. With schools and universities moving to online learning, there is a growing demand for digital resources.

Make sure your website is optimised for search engine ranking so that potential customers can easily find you. And consider investing in online marketing to promote your business.

Keep your pricing model affordable

It’s important to keep your pricing model affordable for students and families who are struggling financially due to the pandemic. Many people are facing job losses and pay cuts, so it’s important to be understanding and flexible with your prices.

Create a supportive community

Finally, focus on creating a positive and supportive community for your students. Many people are feeling isolated and anxious at the moment, so it’s important to offer a safe and welcoming space for them to connect with others.

You can do this by offering online forums, social media groups, or even just one-on-one support. By creating a supportive community, you’ll not only help your students during these difficult times, but you’ll also build loyalty and goodwill that will benefit your business in the long run.

Diversify your product offerings

One of the best ways to sustain your ed-tech business post-pandemic is to diversify your product offerings. This will help you tap into new markets and revenue streams and make your business more resilient to economic downturns.

For example, you could develop new products that cater to the needs of distance learners or create online versions of your existing products and services.

Expand your marketing efforts

Another key strategy for sustaining your ed-tech business post-pandemic is to expand your marketing efforts. This will help you reach new customers and market segments and raise awareness of your brand.

There are a number of ways you can expand your marketing efforts, such as:

  • Investing in digital marketing: This could involve creating a strong social media presence, developing targeted online advertising campaigns, and optimizing your website for search engines.
  • Forming partnerships: You could partner with other ed-tech businesses or with organizations that share your target market. This will help you reach a wider audience and generate new leads.
  • Hosting online events: You could host webinars, podcasts, or other online events to promote your business and engage with your target market.

Invest in research and development

Investing in research and development (R&D) is another key strategy for sustaining your ed-tech business post-pandemic. This will help you create new and innovative products and services, giving you a competitive edge in the marketplace.

There are several ways you can invest in R&D, such as

  • Hiring R&D staff: You could hire specialist R&D staff, or contract research teams to work on specific projects.
  • Partnering with universities: You could form partnerships with universities or other research institutions to gain access to their facilities and expertise.
  • Investing in new technologies: You could invest in new technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR), to create innovative products and services.

Focus on customer retention

Another important strategy for sustaining your ed-tech business post-pandemic is to focus on customer retention. This means keeping your existing customers happy and engaged so that they continue to use your products and services.

There are several ways you can focus on customer retention, such as

  • Offering discounts and loyalty programs: You could offer discounts or loyalty programs to encourage customers to keep using your products and services.
  • Providing excellent customer service: You should aim to provide a high level of customer service so that customers have a positive experience with your brand.
  • Gathering feedback: You should regularly gather feedback from customers so that you can identify areas where you need to improve.


One of the key advantages of ed-tech solutions is that they can be personalised to the needs of each individual student. This is difficult to achieve in a traditional classroom setting. As such, ed-tech startups should look to capitalise on this advantage by offering personalised solutions that cater to the unique needs of each student.

Creating an Educational Experience that You couldn’t get in a Classroom

Another way that ed-tech startups can sustain their business post-pandemic is by creating an educational experience that you couldn’t get in a traditional classroom setting. This could involve utilising technology to create interactive and engaging learning experiences or providing access to content that is not typically available in a classroom setting.

Design Content in Bite Sizes

One of the challenges that many educational institutions face is that they often need to provide students with large amounts of content all at once. This can be overwhelming for students and make it difficult for them to retain the information. Ed-tech startups can solve this problem by designing content in bite-sized pieces that are easy for students to digest and understand.

Focus on the Future

It’s important for ed-tech startups to remember that the pandemic will eventually come to an end. When this happens, there will be a return to some sense of normalcy. As such, it’s important for ed-tech startups to focus on the future and not get too caught up in the present. By focusing on the future, ed-tech startups will be in a better position to sustain their business post-pandemic.

Think Outside the Box

Finally, it’s important for ed-tech startups to think outside the box when it comes to sustaining their business post-pandemic. There are many opportunities for ed-tech startups to grow their business and tap into new markets. However, it’s important to remember that not all of these opportunities will be obvious. As such, it’s important to think outside the box and identify opportunities that may not be immediately apparent.

Build a strong team

Finally, it’s important to build a strong team if you want to sustain your ed-tech business post-pandemic. This means hiring the right employees and providing them with the training and support they need to be successful.

It’s also important to create a positive and motivating work environment so that employees are engaged and motivated to do their best work.

Following these strategies will help you sustain your ed-tech business post-pandemic, and position you for success in the future.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a period of significant opportunity for ed-tech startups. However, as we start to see a return to some sense of normalcy, it is important for ed-tech startups to think about how they can sustain their momentum and continue to grow their business. In this article, we have explored some strategies that ed-tech startups can use to sustain their business post-pandemic.

Do you have any other suggestions? Let us know in the comments below!

Why are a number of training organisations not successful

There are a number of reasons why training organisations may not be successful.

One reason may be that the organisation does not have a clear focus or goals. Without a clear focus, it can be difficult to develop and implement effective training programs.

The second reason may be that they are not able to keep up with the latest industry trends and developments. As a result, their training offerings may become outdated and no longer relevant to the needs of businesses and individuals.

The third reason may be that they are not able to attract and retain the best talent. This can lead to a decline in the quality of their training programs, which can further erode their competitiveness. Finally, training organisations may also struggle financially, due to high overhead costs or declining revenues.

If an organisation is not offering courses that are in demand, then it is likely that few people will enrol in their courses. This can lead to the organisation not being able to cover its costs, and eventually having to close down.

Likewise, if an organisation is providing poor quality training, then this will also dissuade potential students from enrolling. In addition, word-of-mouth about the bad quality of the training can spread, leading to even fewer enrolments.

Additionally, the organisation may not have adequate resources, such as experienced trainers, to deliver the training.

Finally, the students themselves may not be motivated to learn or may not be able to apply the new skills in their work.

When developing training programs, it is important to consider all of these factors in order to ensure success. By taking the time to assess the needs of both the organisation and the trainees, and by carefully planning and designing programs that meet those needs, training organisations can increase the likelihood of success.

Additionally, by investing in quality resources and making sure that the programs are well-delivered, training organisations can further improve their chances of success.

Ultimately, however, it is the motivation and ability of the trainees that will determine whether or not the training is effective. If they are not motivated to learn or cannot apply the new skills in their work, the training will not be successful.

Thus, it is important to consider all of these factors when developing training programs. By doing so, training organisations can increase the likelihood that their programs will be successful.

Organisations that are not able to adapt to changes in the market or industry landscape may also find themselves struggling. For example, if there is a new technology or skill that becomes popular, those who do not offer training in it may find themselves at a disadvantage.

If you’re thinking of setting up a training organisation, it’s important to do your research to make sure that there is a demand for the type of training you plan to offer. It’s also important to make sure that you have a good marketing strategy in place to make potential students aware of your organisation. And, of course, it’s essential to provide high-quality training so that students are happy with their experience and will recommend your organisation to others.

If you can tick all of these boxes, then you’re well on your way to setting up a successful training organisation.

Top ten resume success factors – An article from Career Calling Jobs and CAQA Recruitment

A resume should be a tool to show employers what you have accomplished and what you can bring to the table. It is not a list of everything you have ever done. When it comes to resumes, quality trumps quantity. Here are the top ten factors that will make your resume successful:

1. A well-written, keyword-rich resume: This is still the number one success factor, as employers continue to use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Be sure to include the keywords and phrases that are most relevant to the position you’re applying for, and format your resume so it can be easily scanned by these systems.

2. A targeted resume: Take the time to tailor your resume specifically for each job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position, and downplay anything that isn’t a good fit.

3. Quantifiable achievements: In addition to listing your responsibilities, be sure to include concrete examples of your accomplishments in each role you’ve held. Quantifiable achievements (like “ increased sales by 20%” or “saved the company $10,000 per year”) are especially impressive to employers.

4. A professional summary: This is a brief overview of your skills and experience, and it should be tailored to each job you’re applying for. Think of it as your elevator pitch – it should be concise, interesting, and make a strong case for why you’re the ideal candidate for the role.

5. A clean, easy-to-read format: Your resume should be easy on the eyes, so avoid dense blocks of text and break up your information with bullet points and white space. And while fancy graphics and colours might look nice, they can actually make your resume harder to read, so stick to a simple format.

6. A strong personal brand: In today’s digital world, it’s important to have a strong personal brand that extends beyond your resume. Make sure your online presence (including your social media profiles) is professional and aligned with the image you want to project.

7. A modern design: If your resume still looks like it did 10 or 20 years ago, it’s time for an update. A modern design will help you stand out from the competition and show that you’re keeping up with the latest trends.

8. Keywords and phrases: In addition to including keywords and phrases that are relevant to the job you’re applying for, be sure to use the latest industry jargon and buzzwords. This will show that you’re up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in your field.

9. A positive attitude: During the job search process, it’s important to project a positive attitude at all times. This includes online (avoid venting about your job search on social media), in person (don’t badmouth your current or previous employer), and on the phone (smile when you speak!).

10. Persistence: The job search process can be long and frustrating, but it’s important to stay positive and persistent. Remember, the right job for you is out there – you just need to keep looking until you find it!

In an effort to reform education, Peter Dutton calls for change

Peter Dutton, the Opposition Leader has called for a change to the way the national policy framework for training and education is developed, monitored, and implemented to reform Australia’s education system.

Mr Dutton said at a press conference that unions and activists are driving the current system, which negatively impacts the learning of students.

According to him, Australian parents are “bewildered by what their children come home with” and the Liberal Party will focus on education reform as part of its new policy agenda.

The comments follow a controversial opinion by liberal senator Hollie Hughes, who claimed the education system is “basically run by Marxists”.

Mr Dutton’s response to these concerns is encouraging, as it is clear that there is widespread dissatisfaction with Australia’s education system. Only time will tell whether Government will pay attention to his feedback and whether it will make a difference.

Source: Peter Dutton flags education reform | Sky News Australia

Let’s focus on what we can control.

Let’s focus on what we can control when working in a training organisation.

When working in a training organisation, it is important to focus on what we can control. There are a number of things that we can’t control, such as the weather or the economy. However, there are many things that we can control, such as our attitude and our effort.

There are many factors that can influence the success of our training organisations, and it can be easy to become bogged down in worrying about things that are out of our control. However, by focusing on the things that we can control, we can increase our chances of success.

Some of the things that we can control include:

  • The quality of our services: We should always aim to provide high-quality services that meet the needs of our clients.
  • Our marketing: We need to make sure that our marketing is effective and reaches the right people.
  • Our finances: We need to ensure that our finances are in good shape and that we are making a profit.
  • Our team: We need to have a strong and committed team who are passionate about what they do.
  • Keeping a positive attitude
  • Being coachable and willing to learn
  • Being respectful to others
  • Communicate effectively
  • Being punctual and reliable
  • Follow instructions and procedures
  • Being proactive and taking initiative
  • Being a team player
  • Being organised and efficient
  • Handle stress well
  • Being able to think on your feet
  • Using good judgement
  • Solve problems effectively
  • Make decisions confidently
  • Stay calm under pressure
  • Being assertive when necessary
  • Handle criticism well
  • Persevere when things are tough
  • Accept responsibility for your actions
  • Take ownership of your development

These are just some of the things that we can control in our training organisations. By focusing on these areas, we can help to ensure our success. If we focus on the things that we can control, we will be more likely to be successful. We will also be less likely to be frustrated by things that we can’t control. So, next time you’re feeling stressed about something that you can’t control, take a step back and focus on the things that you can control. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel!

Reducing trauma and structural racism

Organisations that provide training and support to communities of colour can play a critical role in reducing trauma and structural racism. By ensuring that their staff are trained in trauma-informed care and culturally responsive practices, these organisations can help to create more equitable and supportive environments for all.

It’s no secret that the world of work is far from perfect. One of the biggest challenges faced by employees today is trauma and structural racism in the workplace.

Trauma can have a profound effect on an individual’s mental and physical health, as well as their ability to perform at work. It’s important for employers to be aware of the signs of trauma and to provide support to employees who may be struggling.

Structural racism is another significant issue in the workplace. This refers to the ways in which racial minorities are disadvantaged by the systems and structures in place within an organisation. It can manifest itself in many different ways, from hiring practices to promotion opportunities.

Organisations need to be proactive in addressing both trauma and structural racism within their workplace. This includes creating a supportive environment for employees, implementing policies and practices that promote diversity and inclusion, and providing training on these issues.

When working with communities of colour, it is important to be aware of the historical and current context of trauma and racism. This includes understanding the ways in which systemic racism has impacted individuals and communities, as well as the ongoing effects of trauma. With this knowledge, organisations can develop programs and services that are better equipped to meet the needs of those they serve.

Trauma-informed care is an approach to service delivery that takes into account the impact of trauma on individuals and communities. It is based on the understanding that trauma can have a lasting effect on mental and physical health, and that those who have experienced trauma need specialized care and support.

Culturally responsive practices are also critical when working with communities of color. These practices involve creating environments that are respectful of and responsive to the cultural needs of individuals and families. This includes everything from using culturally appropriate language to ensuring that staff are familiar with the community’s customs and traditions.

By providing staff with training in these areas, organisations can help to create more supportive and equitable environments for all. In turn, this can lead to better outcomes for those they serve.

By taking these steps, employers can create a more positive and productive workplace for all.

If you are an employer, it’s important to be aware of the signs of trauma and to provide support to employees who may be struggling.

Some signs that an employee may be experiencing trauma include:

  • Disturbed sleep patterns
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability or outbursts of anger
  • Avoidance of people or places associated with the traumatic event
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide

If you are concerned about an employee, it’s important to have a conversation with them about what they’re going through. Let them know that you’re there for them and offer any support that you can. This might include signposting them to mental health services or Employee Assistance Programs.

Organisations also need to be proactive in addressing structural racism within the workplace. This includes creating a supportive environment for employees, implementing policies and practices that promote diversity and inclusion, and providing training on these issues.

By taking these steps, employers can create a more positive and productive workplace for all.

Edu Learning – Your door to professional development opportunities

We would love to have you join our professional development retainer agreement services or individual professional development opportunities through Edu Learning. Our organisation works with the aim to help you grow your skills in a fun and interactive way. The benefits of joining our organisation are numerous, from getting tips from VET experts and industry leaders to building a network of peers, who can help you move forward in your career.

Intellectually stimulating and engaging content is what we excel at. We offer training programs that will provide your staff with the practical skills and strategies that they need to be successful in their careers in this competitive market – whether it’s in marketing, finance or RTO operations.

The benefits of being part of our professional development group include:

– Developing a better understanding of the role of a VET professional
– Getting in-depth training in different RTO sector skill sets that meet your and your organisation’s needs and requirements.

In partnership with Edu Learning and CAQA Skills, CAQA provides a variety of professional and personal development opportunities. We may also tailor the training to meet your specific requirements and skill level as well. For additional details, please contact us right away at

CAQA Systems Services

CAQA Systems provides technology services and support, and works in partnership with its customers.

We collaborate with innovative organisations and service providers, assisting them in maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of their technology investments.

We specialise in network administration, software systems and development, hardware and software support, software system and development, cybersecurity, information technology-related issues and matters.

We provide support to the education, medical, government, marketing, retail, hospitality, food, non-profit organisations, financial, and transportation industries.

Get in touch with us to discuss how we can assist you with your requirements.

For additional details, please contact us right away at


CAQA Recruitment

Are you looking for staff?

At CAQA Recruitment we help employers find talent for their organisation. We understand that hiring is a complex and sometimes costly process. However, it can be simplified and made easy on a budget by opting for our services. Our recruitment platform receives a huge number of interest from applicants who are seeking new opportunities in the VET sector. Best of all your first ad is FREE

For more information, please click here.

Looking for a new opportunity?

Whether you are a jobseeker, seeking additional hours, or not satisfied with your current job, you can find a new opportunity that suits your skills and experience through CAQA Recruitment. New vacancies are posted regularly. The process is simple! Register with us, upload your resume and begin your search.You decide how much or how little information you want to display. So what are you waiting for? Register today and let employers find you.

For more information, please click here.

Online Media Solutions (OMS) Services

Over the past two decades, Online Media Solutions (OMS) has provided assistance to clients worldwide. OMS merged into the CAQA and Career Calling brands in 2013.

Services offered by Online Media Solutions include: website design and development; website security; web hosting; domains marketplace; development of iOS and Android applications; software development; graphics design including logos, website graphics; social media graphics; marketing graphics; brand identity; stationery design; SEO; marketing services; website support; data entry; database management; and data entry and database management services

We have been working on hundreds of SCORM-compliant files and are making investments in virtual reality, gamification, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge technologies in order to meet new and developing training and assessment needs.

Call us on 1800 961 980 or email to find out more on how we can assist.