In a recent ruling, the court ordered telecommunication firms to discontinue “assignment help” service.

It is the first time that an Australian higher education regulator has successfully obtained an injunction against a foreign essay mill, as part of the implementation of a 2020 rule that outlaws contract cheating services.

In a recent court victory, the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (Teqsa) managed to prohibit access to the website “” and it’s apparent alter ego, “,” by a Federal Court of Australia ruling.

Academic practice is characterised by the promotion of academic integrity and the remedy of breaches of that integrity. Even though practices differ between fields and organisations, academic integrity encourages researchers at all levels, including undergraduate and postgraduate students, to acknowledge the contributions of others to their work in an honest and truthful manner.

The website was taken offline after its operators received an email from a government solicitor in June, with users being diverted to an advertisement suggesting that the domain name was available for purchase. Meanwhile, the website appeared, giving services that appeared to be identical to those provided by the original.

In Australia, several dozen internet service providers are bound by a court injunction that lasts for five years and applies to all of their customers. According to the agreement, they must prevent access to the domain names, internet protocol (IP) addresses, or unified resource locators (URLs) of the two websites and direct visitors to a TEQSA web page stating why the service has been suspended.

Service providers have three weeks to comply with the new regulations. Furthermore, the injunction empowers the TEQSA to take action if the website begins to operate under a new domain name, IP address, or URL.


T Bretag, S Mahmud, M Wallace, R Walker, C James, M Green, J East, U McGowan and L Partridge, ‘Core elements of exemplary academic integrity policy in Australian higher education, International Journal for Educational Integrity, 7(2), 2011, p.

R John, ‘First blood for Australian contract cheating law’.

Update related to AQF Framework

We’d like to provide an update on the new AQF framework, currently under development.

The Review of the Australian Qualifications Framework was completed at the end of 2019.

AQF Review provided 21 recommendations aimed at ensuring that the AQF continues to serve its intended purpose now and in the years to come. Changes to the current AQF were included in this discussion.

Changing the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) requires the approval of Education and Skills Ministers from the Australian, State and Territory Governments.

A cross-jurisdictional working group has been established to consider and develop advice for Ministers on AQF Review recommendations.

This work is ongoing and is expected to complete by the end of 2022.

How to create a compliant and effective session plan

We are confident that you have heard the expression (and perhaps even used it yourself), “Failure to plan is planning to fail”. When it comes to the facilitation of efficient training, this is undoubtedly true.

Consider the following scenario: you’ve just delivered a training session to a new group of students. Unfortunately, things didn’t turn out quite as well as you had intended.

First and foremost, you simply ignored certain critical topics in your training session. Afterwards, you found yourself running out of time to answer student questions since you had to adapt your training “on the fly” in order to cover the topics you’d overlooked.

Overall, you’re not confident that all your learners gained the knowledge they required, and you wish you’d had a more defined plan for the session. This is exactly why you need a session plan and participate in the session planning sessions.

What is a Session Plan and how does it work?

Session plans (also known as learning plans) are detailed descriptions of the activities and resources that will be used to assist a learner cohort work towards the achievement of specific learning goals and objectives.

These session plans outline the subject and training delivered, how long each part is scheduled to last, the methods of instruction used for each topic addressed, the resources, equipment and facilities needed to deliver compliant training and the measures and criteria you’ll use to ensure that everyone has understood what you intended.

The outline can be as simple as a quick synopsis, or it can be more comprehensive, including scripts, prompts, and lists of questions that you intend to ask.

The session plan is intended to serve as a guide for the trainer rather than a script. It is a normal industry practice that most of the trainers participate in the session planning. They give a focus for the training, they serve to remind the trainer of important concepts, and they serve as a record of the training when used again in the future by the same or different trainers.

What should your Session Plans cover?

Your session plans must cover at least the following areas:

  • Unit code and unit name
  • Number of learners allocated to a trainer
  • Trainer name
  • Prior knowledge required from learners, relevant units previously completed by learner cohort/ learner group
  • Points from previous learning that may need reinforcement e.g. misconceptions
  • Reasonable adjustments and addressing of the needs of individuals
  • Session overview
  • Training package requirements including unit elements
  • Methods of assessment
  • Different topics covered throughout the session
  • Additional learning students must complete before, during or after the session
  • Formative assessment activities
  • Any relevant information of summative assessment activities
  • Resources, equipment and facilities required to deliver the training session including softwares, hardware and any technology support
  • Resources for learners, trainers and assessors and third-party
  • Any workplace health and safety considerations
  • Assessment submission requirements
  • Knowledge and performance evidence
  • Information related to assessment conditions
  • Session timing and date
  • Session number
  • Learning objectives
  • Session length (including break, if any)
  • Session outcome

The benefits of Session Plans

It sets up and serves as a clear guideline for your training session.

When it comes to training, you know exactly what you want to teach your students, but it is only through the use of a session plan that you will have a clear picture of how YOU want your session to proceed, when you should take a break, when to continue, what topics you must cover and what topics you must leave for the next session. Therefore, having compliant session plans will guide you through the process of deciding what topics you will and can address and what exercises will be required. It assists you in planning and preparing for your training session.

Your ability to organise your topics and present the information in a logical order will be enhanced as a result of your session planning strategy. You can choose which topics to address first and which ones to discuss last, depending on your preferences or according to the requirements of the unit of competency. You can also plan the intervals between tasks that you will need to perform while training. You wouldn’t give away the punchline to a joke until you’d gone through all of the preparation.

It provides you with foresight

Because you have previously specified your themes and the sequence in which they will be presented, you can now examine the potential questions or counter arguments that may arise throughout the conversation and training delivery and presentation. This will allow you to prepare your responses in advance and avoid getting caught off guard when unexpected questions are thrown at you.
It assists you in maintaining your course of action.

Having a properly defined session plan can assist you in avoiding detours and keeping your session on schedule. Sometimes, a student will bring up related issues that will branch off into other topics, wasting valuable training time, or you may receive questions that will be answered later in the programme, after the scheduled session has concluded.

Avoid self-destruction by failing to see that your strategy will accommodate the response in a timely and appropriate manner.

It assists you with time management.

Understanding how much ground you will cover throughout your training session can assist you in estimating how long it will take you to complete it. It’s also possible to design your training session based on how much time you have with the learners at your disposal. If your training delivery program includes group discussions or hands-on activities, you must determine how long you can afford for these to take place… else, you risk depriving yourself of valuable time.

The substitute trainers or instructors will find it beneficial.

The fact that you will be present at all of your training sessions is not guaranteed. When a substitute trainer is called in to conduct your session in your place, your session plan will be valuable to the substitute trainer. It will serve as a reference for the substitute when planning the schedule and flow of instruction.

Gives you a professional appearance

A well-planned session gives you a professional appearance, and we could always use a few more brownie points in that area! A trainer’s training session is an extension of their own abilities and professionalism.

A session plan will not guarantee that you will have a fantastic training session every time; but, having one in place will help to minimise any possible problems associated with not preparing for it in advance.

It is usual practise among trainers to have a session plan in place – it does not necessarily have to be detailed down to the minute, but rather a plan consisting of sequential components that allow the session to unfold in a logical and organised manner to aid the students in their learning.

Do you wish to receive a free copy of our session plan template in the email? Send us a request at



Australian Government has approved the International student return pilot programme

In a joint decision, the governments of Australia and New South Wales have authorised a second significant student return pilot, which will see up to 250 international students per fortnight returning to the state to continue their studies. According to current plans, the pilot will begin accepting students in December 2021 and will operate within the following critical parameters:

  • Returning students will be invited by their participating higher education institutions;
  • Only students who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be eligible,
  • With the additional requirement that they have received a vaccine approved by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration will be eligible (TGA).

The vaccines manufactured by Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Janssen have all been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Due to this, students from some key Asian markets – particularly Nepal and China, where Sinopharm vaccines are more regularly used – will be less likely to be included in the early stages of the pilot programme, which is a significant point to consider.

As part of the quarantine process, returning students will be obliged to stay in specially constructed student housing in Sydney. For a 14-day quarantine period in Redfern, the accommodation provider Scape has been confirmed. The facility has been converted to COVIDSafe requirements and has been certified by NSW Health and the NSW Police Departments to host up to 650 students.

There are 11 participating public universities in the pilot plan– including the Australian Catholic University, Macquarie University, The University of Newcastle, The University of Sydney, UNSW, University of Wollongong, Western Sydney University and the University of Technology Sydney – as well as a number of private providers, including International College of Management Sydney, Kaplan, Navitas, RedHill and Study Group.

Students who wish to take part in the pilot will fly to Sydney on chartered flights, with the cost of travel and quarantine being covered by the participating institutions and the participants themselves.

The significance of the new pilot programme can be attributed in part to the fact that the state is home to a significant proportion of Australia’s total foreign enrolment population.
Prior to the establishment of COVID, about four out of every ten overseas students in Australia could be found in New South Wales. According to Study NSW, there are around 60,000 international students enrolled in NWS institutions who are now outside of Australia and unable to enter the country to continue their studies.

For more information please read this media release Pilot plan to return international students

Different types of disruptions in training and education businesses: What are they and how can they impact You?

In a world where disruption is happening at a lightning speed, the question of how to thrive in this fast-paced environment is increasingly important. There are many who have been disrupted out of business and there are many more who would be disrupted in the near future.

Disruption occurs when someone or something does something that causes your business model to no longer function as effectively as it once did. Let’s take a closer look at what we just stated. Your business model is the mechanism by which you generate revenue. In exchange for money, you provide clients with an excellent value offering. The most typical forms of disruption imply that you will receive significantly less money or nothing at all for the value you provide. Customers, in other words, have stopped appreciating what you have to provide or supply to them. It’s possible that all of your clients are affected at the same time. At other times, it may be specific client groups that are targeted. As a result, things no longer function in the same way they did previously. You reached a conclusion that you must make a difference.

Disruption in the education industry is imminent. With low enrolment rates, colleges are facing a recruitment crisis. The world’s economy is increasingly digitised and has gone from a linear to a circular economy. The boundaries between work and life have become blurred. In this world, it becomes important for education and training organisations to find their way in the changing environment or they will get disrupted out of business.

The pandemic and other unforeseen events

As the truth of the situation begins to sink in, As a result of months of dealing with COVID-19-related disruptions, business executives are beginning to recognise that the new normal is disruption after disruption. The answer is a state of ambiguity. No one has a game plan in place to manage all the uncertainties and disruptions an event such as a pandemic can produce. New business methods are being implemented slowly but steadily by companies. The pandemic has demonstrated that substantial, unforeseen business disruptions are not only possible but also probable; sales and business development teams must be built on strong and agile foundations that can adapt to these shifts in business conditions.

The computer viruses and opportunistic attacks

Malicious software, sometimes known as ‘malware,’ is a type of computer virus that impacts businesses on a daily basis. It causes disruptions in information technology and computer systems, and in extreme circumstances, it has the capability of deleting, stealing, or holding for ransom sensitive company and personal data. When a computer virus is attached to a file and the file is accessed, the virus infects parts of or the entire machine. When you access or open any email or attachment, you must exercise extreme caution if you are not certain of its origin or if you have legitimate concerns such as that it is not from the proper source, that it has spelling errors, or that it contains emails that you did not expect.

The regulatory standards and practices

The regulatory environment is getting more and more complicated every day. But with a good understanding of these regulations, you can manage the risk better. Failure to comprehend or appropriately interpret the standards could result in very serious consequences very quickly for you and your organisation. In order to avoid any serious consequences that can result from not complying with them, it is important to understand these regulations and standards properly and clearly. Having compliance consultants can help you tremendously to understand your obligations and responsibilities and also these standards, guidelines and protocols.

Trainers and assessors

Trainers and assessors are crucial for any organisation, however, it is not possible to rely on one trainer or assessor for your organization. It is important to always have a Plan B in case something happens to your main person. It is, therefore, important to have more than one trainer and assessor so that you can rely on them when the other one is unavailable.

Marketing practices

We are living in an era where organizations are looking for training programs that are economical, time-saving, and most importantly, scalable. Marketing practices are not new. However, with the rise of new technologies that help develop better marketing strategies, businesses can now reach out to their target audience in a faster and more efficient way. There are many ways that marketing practices have changed with technology, but there are also many ways that they haven’t. The most important thing is to see the difference between old-school techniques and new ones so you can use them in your business to your advantage.

These days, there are more and more digital marketing practices that can be used for marketing purposes. These new marketing practices should be used to reach and communicate to your students and learner cohorts. They will make them a lot easier to reach out to. For example, a good way is through social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram where they can easily see who created the content and what it has been posted about. This way, you will know if the students have seen your content or not, so you can easily figure out if their strategy is working or not.

Personal and professional development

Personal and professional development is the main factor of success for any person or business. So, we should always invest time and money in improving ourselves and our business practices. We have to be observant of what is happening around us, both in personal life and at work, so that we can take advantage of opportunities that come our way. You must know all about yourself, what are gaps in your skills and knowledge and be ready to fill them with professional development and personal development opportunities.

Not having a risk management strategy

In the event that your organisation has not produced or maintained a risk management strategy, this may be extremely problematic for you. Make sure you also participate in a full risk audit, which will allow you to identify any gaps in your system, policies, procedures and practices, and then target and eliminate them in a methodical fashion. Risk management consultants are qualified professionals who are skilled in the field of risk management. They offer advice, consultation and audit services to help businesses, corporations or individuals reduce their exposure to various types of risk.

The pace of change

Education and training organizations are responsible for the future of millions of learners. They cannot afford to be left behind, but it is no easy task to keep up with the pace of change. The ever-evolving nature of new technologies has changed the way that we work and live. The way that learners interact with content is also changing all the time, necessitating a shift in teaching styles to meet their needs. For example, mobile device usage has increased massively in recent years. A significant number of mobile users say they “never” use desktops or laptops anymore. This relatively sudden shift in technology will have an effect on how educators deliver learning material. With the fast pace of change, it is important for an education and training organization to keep up with the changes and offer solutions such as e-learning, m-learning according to the client’s expectations and the requirements dictated by the time and technologies.

New entrants into markets and new services

The need for a better product or service is what will drive new entrants to the market. In order to ensure you are ready to face them, you must conduct business analysis to analyze what your competitors offer and how you can improve on it. One of the best ways of doing this would be by looking at their digital footprint and studying social conversations about them on social media.

In order to make sure that you are successful in your new endeavor, you should:

  • Create an all-encompassing value proposition statement for your product and services,
  • Establish credibility with customers through testimonials and case studies,
  • Use the right marketing channels and tools such as ad networks or search engines

How to manage the disruptions?

Business upheavals and disruptions are continuously questioning the effectiveness of risk management policies and procedures. Risk management policies and procedures should consider these factors and evolve to keep up with these changes. This will ensure that businesses are at an advantage during such times of business upheavals and disruptions.

Why use CAQA services for risk assessment and risk management

The CAQA team can guide you to make well informed decisions about your organisation’s current and future needs. We consult businesses on how to manage their operations and increase profits. We do this by providing high quality, independent and impartial advice tailored to suit your situation. We are committed to the success of our clients, and we approach each task with care and attention. When you come to CAQA for help, you can be confident that we will listen carefully and work with you in your best interests.

You may be asking as to how we might assist you with business development, business analysis, risk management, auditing and regulatory compliance consulting. Please contact us by email at



Validation Demystified – Part I

Validation is arguably the central pillar of the VET practice and has a valued place in the education system. It is one of the few compliance requirements that influence and is accountable for more than a dozen standards within the Standards for RTO 2015. As such, validation is the much-studied, crammed and piloted concept of educational practice in Australia and globally.

Yet, there is much misunderstanding, interchangeability of meaning and objective with other concepts and inconsistency of interpretation and practice of validation. Most often than not, there is confusion in the understanding of Pre-validation (now termed by ASQA as Verification), Moderation, and Validation. 

The confusion goes beyond the terminologies. There is a wide range of inconsistency in the implementation of the requirements of the Standards for RTO 2015, figuring out the objectives of validation, choosing the methods of its best practice, prioritising its role in the governance and continuous improvement etc. Despite the big appetite of RTOs to appreciate and use it, validation remains the most bewildering standard of SRTO 2015.

This article will try to clarify the misperceptions and debunk the myths and mysteries

Why does validation remain challenging to understand and implemented inconsistently across RTO practice? The puzzling questions include:

  • What are the areas that RTOs misunderstand?
  • What are the frequent mistakes made by practitioners?
  • Which part is found non-compliant during audits?
  • What are the darkest areas of validation that are leading to obscurity and process inefficiency?
  • What is blurring is the distinction between validation, moderation and pre-validation, and why do they become intertwined in current practice.
  • What does independent validator mean, independent from what is considered as independent? Why only in 1.25 and not in 1.9 – 1.11.
  • Why is moderation not mandatory but essential?

Problem 1. The problem starts in the foundation of the concept of validation, its definition and denotation.

Many RTOs use Moderation, Pre validation and Validation interchangeably. The Standards for RTO 2015 mention validation in different sections with different requirements which sometimes invokes different connotations to different people. Due to this and other reasons some people find it difficult to understand what standards are relevant to which part of the Validation, Pre-Validation or Moderation.

Many RTOs have the impression that Pre-validation and Moderation are not as important as Validation and think they do not have intra-relation as they are very different from each other.

Let’s start with the basic definitions.

Pre-Validation (Verification) is the practice of validation that occurs before using the assessment tools. This validation happens after either developing the assessment tool or purchasing it from providers, and you want to validate them. The objective of pre-validation (Verification) is to ensure that the devices meet the requirements of the training package and ensure they are a valid tool that ascertains the assessment will be conducted according to the principles of assessment and rules of evidence. Whether you develop your own tool or purchase them from providers, RTOs are required to verify they are fit for purpose and valid assessments.

Validation is the quality review of the assessment process and is generally conducted after the assessment is complete. Validation involves checking that your assessment tools have produced valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence, enabling your RTO to make reasonable judgements about whether training package (or VET accredited course) requirements have been met.

Moderation is a quality control process aimed at bringing assessment judgements into alignment. Moderation is generally conducted before the finalisation of student results as it ensures the same decisions are applied to all assessment results within the same unit of competency.

How are they aligned to SRTO 2015, and what are their commonalities?

The standards that affect each concept are different. The below table will give you a clear understanding of the representation of standards per each concept.


Concept Objectives When takes place Relevant Standards
Pre-Validation (verification) Ensure they are a valid tool that ascertains the assessment will be conducted according to the principles of assessment and rule of evidence Prior to using the tools. 1.5, 1.6, 1.8
Moderation Bringing assessment judgements into alignment Before the finalisation of student results 1.8 and 3.1
Validation A quality review process that confirms your RTO’s assessment system can consistently produce valid assessment judgements. After the assessment tool is implemented and student assessments are completed and marked. 1.5, 1.6, 2.2, 3.1, 1.13, 1.1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, and 1.25

Though their definition and purpose are diverse, Pre validation, Moderation, and Validation have one shared goal. They are destined to ensure the best practice of effective assessment, mainly assessment practice and judgment.

Problem 2. The ‘two units 50% in three years and five years cycle’ syndrome and compliance mentality.

Many RTOs believe that the validation must be conducted at 50%, and this is done because of compliance requirements. For this reason, the RTOs wait until the last day and are not able to identify the problem at an early stage. These results in finding themselves in the unfortunate position of non-compliance with standard 3.1. They have to revoke the certificates and redo all assessments again because they have awarded certification documentation to learners whom they have NOT assessed as meeting the training product requirements specified in the relevant training package.

RTOs must see the Standards as a document that describe what outcomes an RTO must achieve, not how they must be achieved (policed).

‘50% three years and five years cycle’ is the minimum but risky requirement.

Scheduling and adhering to 50% of qualifications in three years is equivalent to planning for failure and non-compliance. The best time to validate your resources is today, not tomorrow.

RTOs need to develop a validation schedule the day they receive their registration to validate each training product (AQF qualification, skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course and module) on its scope of registration. The validation clock starts to tick from that day, and the quality requirements increase with each clock tick.

Problem 3. Many RTOs believe they have conducted their validation; however, they are deemed to be non-compliant with Standards 1.10 – 1.11 and 1.25.

Several RTOs do the validation but are not followed by any rectification plan, and that makes their validation part of a problem instead of part of a solution.

Many RTOs opt to cut corners—by developing a generic validation tool strategy from a template and asking validators to ‘sign off’, which most often than not, results in a yes ticks and flicks.

Some RTOs also conduct the validation by one person, usually a compliance officer/manager, without considering the requirements of the validation team. Many RTOs make mistakes in sampling and choosing their assessment to be validated. Because they use a sample of their best students or trainers who have been deemed competent, their validation produces a bad validation outcome.

For many RTOs, the main reason can be described as “validation conducted for the sake of conducting’ not for an effective outcome and meaning full action. The absence of systemic, documented process and assessment tools and guides is customary in many RTOs.

Most RTOs have validation policies and procedures. However, the method does not articulate and demonstrate in detail what they must do, how they will do it, when they will do it, who is responsible for doing what, the mechanism for monitoring them, and the evidence they can provide.

RTOs must develop and implement a system with evidence (that can be seen, touched and heard) to ensure assessment judgements are consistently made on a sound basis and validation of assessment judgements is carried out regularly.

Next is the validation tools, far from a ‘sign me up’ checklist with close-ended yes and no answers that lead validators to say yes. For example, asking validators to tick ‘the principles of assessments are good’ will not be effective and does not demonstrate that the assessment practice and judgment was informed by validators.

Though there is no specific method or approach that you must follow, you must demonstrate that:

  • You have developed a schedule to validate each training product (AQF qualification, skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course and module) on your scope.
  • You adjusted the validation schedule when adding a new training product. When making adjustments, ensure your plan continues to meet the timeframe and completion requirements discussed above.
  • The training products must be validated as per the schedule; putting a validation schedule without implementing it is worse than not having a plan.
  • Select your validators and ensure at least one subject matter expert ‘industry relevance’ requirements.
  • The assessment tool must contain an open-ended and meaningful questions that can check the assessment practice and judgment from different angles

The ‘two units from qualification’ pattern.

Part of the validation failure is when RTOs stick into the ‘two units per qualification’ approach. The number of units and the selection criteria must not insist on the minimum requirement as one size does not fit all.

Statistically, valid sampling is essential in the process of validation.

A statistically valid sample is:

· large enough that the validation outcomes of the model can be applied to the entire set of judgements, and
· taken randomly from the collection of assessment judgements being considered.

Calculating sample size

You must validate enough assessments to ensure that the results of your validation are accurate and are representative of the total completed assessments for the training product.
To determine appropriate sample sizes, you can use ASQA’s validation sample size calculator.

Whatever model or method you use, you must ensure your sampling will provide you with a very low error level and high confidence in assessment practices and judgements.

Random selection

Many RTOs use the sample of their best students or trainers who have been deemed competent, which produces a lousy validation outcome.

Randomly selecting your sample will ensure adequate coverage of varying levels of learner performance. You may also supplement the random selection by adding additional completed assessments (for example, to include both competent and not competent assessments, or to include multiple assessors’ decisions, various delivery modes and locations) to ensure the validation process is representative of all assessment judgements.

(Reference, ASQA and NCVER)

Contextualisation – Why you must contextualise the training and assessment resources.

Understanding contextualisation

Contextualising assessments and learner materials is one of the most thought-provoking tasks that RTOs face. Many RTOs are deemed non-compliant due to their contextualisation ‘methods’.

What is contextualisation, what is the right way to do it, how is it done, why do RTOs conduct it incorrectly?

Before explaining what is contextualisation, let’s first clarify what is NOT contextualisation as that is one of the main reasons RTOs face enormous challenges.

What is not contextualisation?

Contextualisation is not a free ride process to change at whim the training product requirements specified in the relevant training package. Contextualisation is not a green light to cross compliance boundaries and jeopardise the quality of Australian education. Contextualisation is not an exercise that focuses only on the assessment tool. Contextualisation is not a process that can be done without limits set by guidelines.

A competency’s breadth of application should not be reduced in order to reduce its portability, nor should the competency outcomes be narrowed in order to limit its use, nor should the content of any element and performance criteria related to the unit involved be removed as a result of contextualisation.

Now, to the definition:

What is contextualisation in the context of training resources?

Contextualisation is the process of modifying your RTO’s training and assessment materials to make learning more meaningful for your students and their employers, and the industry at large. It is a way of making learning and assessing relevant to a person’s workplace experience. It involves adjusting the training products such as units of competency, or packaging certain units into a qualification, to suit the specific needs of the enterprise or learner.

Generic resources that you have purchased from an RTO resources provider should be changed or adapted to satisfy the special requirements of a specific industry, as well as the social, cultural, and business requirements of that industry, as well as the needs of a particular work environment as applicable.

For example, the assessment and learner resources should be modified to suit learners from different industries without compromising the quality of the resources. That means, the training and assessment resources for a unit of competency that you use in the community sector will be different in terms of type of work performed, type of industry or enterprise, terminology used, industry sector requirements, legislation and regulations compared to resources for information technology sector.

When it comes to assessments, it is the process of adapting language and assessment tasks (terminology, assessment context and scope etc.) in order to suit specific work circumstances present in an actual workplace that is referred to as contextualisation in the context of assessments. Candidates and employers will benefit from this adjustment because the assessment resources will be more relevant and beneficial to them. For learner resources, wording, industry regulations etc. should be customised to ensure learners understand terminology and expectations to effectively work in the industry.

Contextualisation must take into account organisational policies, standard operating procedures, workplace architecture, as well as organisational and legal requirements particular to the local context in order to be compliant with Training Package regulations. It is necessary for the assessments to be considered valid in order for it to not have a negative impact on the standards specified in either the units of competency or the Training Package.

Why is contextualisation important?

Contextualisation is critical to ensure high-quality training and assessment and graduate students who are well equipped for employment or further study. It plays a significant role to enhance the qualifications. It also plays a vital role in preparing students with credible certification as holding the skills and competencies specified in their qualification when they enter the job market.

Contextualisation is essential for RTOs to develop learning resources and assessment methods tailored to their learner’s needs and aligned to the work context in which they operate. If you don’t contextualise your resources, you risk alienating your learners, losing clients and being found non-compliant at your next ASQA audit.

What is the best starting point to conduct contextualisation?

The best starting point of contextualisation of resources is to understand why you are doing it and specify your ultimate goal. The second point of departure is to be aware of the ‘rules of don’t’ regarding contextualisation.

This must be followed by identifying who would be included in the panel that is responsible for contextualising assessments. In the process of selecting your team, you are required to be inclusive, especially the industry experts who can see areas that your trainers and assessors (even with industry currency) cannot see as adequately and authentically as the subject matter experts could.

When is the best time to contextualise your resources?

The best time to conduct your contextualisation is today. To ensure quality training is delivered on time and any content that does not align with the cohort’s requirement is captured and rectified at the earliest stage, the best practice is to contextualise as soon as possible and as finest as possible.

Timely contextualisation will help you to ensure:

  • High quality and better outcomes for your students, hence better reputation for your RTO
  • Better relationship and engagement with the industry
  • Continuous improvement that provides assessment system and practice is performing at their best
  • Conduct routine improvement activities
  • Introduce a more efficient and effective process and system that monitors your practice
  • Early intervention to check any gap and early rectification to fill the gap before affecting future students

What learning resources are included in the process of contextualisation?

One of the mistakes that surface repetitively in the RTOs landscape is the practice of contextualising focus on assessment tools only. This leaves students dealing with different resources that do not talk to each other, and at times provide inappropriate or conflicting content.

So, as a minimum requirement, RTOs must contextualise the following resources;

  • Training and Assessment Strategy
  • Assessment tools including RPL kits
  • Learner Guide
  • PowerPoint
  • Session and delivery plan
  • Facilities and equipments
  • Self study guides and manuals
  • Workplace logbooks/vocational placement kits
  • Facilitate delivery and assessment of learners

What are the factors that can influence your contextualisation process?

For a comprehensive understanding and best experience, we advise you to consult with industry experts, check your current status, and make a situational analysis.

As a general principle of contextualisation, the following questions must be raised and appropriately addressed before embarking on the process of Contextualisation.

1. Learners.

The characteristics of the target group. The study should include information about the knowledge and skill, learning needs, learning style preferences, literacy, language and numeracy skills, and support needs.

This section can also include the learners’ level of motivation for engaging in the learning, any specific goals of the group, and any particular abilities that the group may have.

2. Mode of Delivery

This study must focus on how the training and assessment are to be delivered. This might include face-to-face, online, through workplace training or a mixture of different modes. The information provided in this section should be consistent with and supportive of the information in the remainder of the TAS document. For example, if your delivery is online, but the assessment tool has workplace tasks, your Contexualisation must consider how to provide a virtual simulated workplace environment to ensure they can practice their new skills.

3. Workplace and Industry.

This section must analyse what does the workplace environment look like? (e.g., equipment, facilities, policies, procedures, etc.)

  • What types of evidence can be collected in the work role to meet the unit of competency evidence requirements? What are the typical tasks performed in the work role and industry context?
  • What are the typical and current workplace conditions for the work role and industry context?
  • What is the relevant legislation, codes of practices, and regulations for the work role and industry context?

4. The Resources

This section will probe what specific resources are required to deliver and assess the Training Product. This might include an assessment, a session plan, or a detailed list of resources for a unit of competency or cluster of units. This may also include information about the resources the learner might be required to provide or have access to. An example would be if the delivery were online, there would be a requirement to access a computer and potentially stable internet connection. You can address the requirements by raising valid question such as:

  • Do the learning resources provide enough depth in the instruction, including industry-relevant practical examples, to meet the needs of learners with little or no previous experience?
  • Is the learning content appropriate for learners with physical and learning disabilities, language, and cultural sensitivities?
  • Is the learning resource content aligned to the industry context, work role tasks, and work environment? Examples also include access to:
    • Job role and workplace relevant policies and procedures
    • Workplace appropriate equipment and facilities etc.
    • Work role and workplace relevant conditions and environment.
    • Actual workplace or Simulated Workplace (were allowed in the training package)
  • Do the learning resources align with the qualification and/or training package context where it is being used?
  • Do your learning resources align with your Training and Assessment Strategy and Delivery Method?

In line with the COVID related requirements and the online delivery necessitated by it, please see also ASQA’s distance learning guide by clicking this link.

5. Training in the Workplace

  • What are the training and assessments that must be conducted in the workplace?
  • Do they align the learning activities with the organisation’s objectives and overall culture?
  • Do they contain activities and tasks that are relevant and are users of the business itself?
  • Are the learners’ tasks valuable to all parties? Are the activities advantageous to provide opportunities for students to learn problem-solving skills?
  • Are there workplace mentor-mentee scenarios that may also be suitable for this training delivery method?

How does contextualisation ensure candidates can apply their skills and knowledge in a work setting.

The primary objective of contextualisation is to make the training and assessment strategy more meaningful for your students and their employers. RTOs need to develop learning resources and assessment methods that are custom-made to their learner’s needs and aligned to the work context in which they operate.

Contextualising ensures best practice and high-quality training and assessment strategy and practice. In turn, high-quality training and assessment mean that employers can have confidence that vocational education and training (VET) graduates in the workplace will safely and productively apply the skills described by their qualifications.

Does contextualisation serve the principle of assessment and rule of evidence?

Contextualisation is mainly conducted to accommodate the learners’ needs and ensure the content is adjusted to be appropriate to the learner cohort’s skill, knowledge and experience levels. Accordingly, the task of contextualisation must primarily serve the principle of fairness framed on the individual learner’s needs and the principle of flexibility underpinned by the reflection of the individual learner’s circumstance.

To promote fairness and flexibility contextualisation must start from the below questions.

  1. Can the assessment gather Valid, Sufficient, Authentic, Current evidence.
  2. Is the assessment appropriate for the target audience/ or client group for whom the use of the training and assessment resources will be relevant?
  3. Does the assessment contain a range of different assessment methods: Knowledge assessment: Workplace projects – advanced practice, Projects – analysis, design and development
  4. Does the assessment tool provide enough depth in the instruction, including industry-relevant practical examples, to meet the needs of learners with little or no previous experience?
  5. Is the assessment content appropriate for learners with physical and learning disabilities, language, and cultural sensitivities.
  6. Does the assessment consider the work performed and the environment in which it would be completed. Do the tasks suit particular work conditions that apply in an actual workplace?
  7. Does the assessment include policies, standard procedures, workplace infrastructure and organisational and regulatory requirements of the local context

If candidates/learners/students are of high importance in the process of contextualisation, what do you need to consider about them?

There are several questions that you might want to ask, including:

  • What are the likely characteristics of the learner group?
  • What would look like their work environment, industry, and work role when they graduated.
  • What level is their existing skills and knowledge? Do they have RPL/Credit?
  • Are they self-motivated?
  • Can learners complete group activities?
  • Do they need to be adapted to suit individual learners?
  • How much time will they have to complete tasks?
  • What will their access to resources, facilities and equipment be like?

Is there any manual that guides how contextualisation must be conducted?

There is no prescribed and strict manual that can fit all sizes. Each contextualisation’s objective, qualification, learning outcome or cohorts’ need has its own peculiarity; hence contextualisation is adapted accordingly.

However, there is a general guide that can help your contextualisation process.

Let’s start with the legislative guidelines.

The National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) identified three steps involved in contextualising assessment resources:

  1. Clarify the assessment context.
  2. Review and contextualise the assessment resources.
  3. Trial the Contextualised assessment resources.

The Standards for RTO 2015 Clause 1.8 to 1.12 stipulates:

“When developing assessment materials, use the information from the unit or module elements, performance criteria and assessment requirements to determine what competence looks like. Ensure that assessment tools are contextualised (or can be contextualised) to the student cohort to produce valid skills that are relevant to the student’s industry or work context.”

In addition to these two guidelines, the below best practices are helpful to conduct effective Contextualisation:

Phase 1: Understand what you are required to do

This includes conducting thorough research of the legislative requirements and guidelines, knowing your boundaries and the areas that should not be compromised in the process of Contextualisation.

Phase 2: Unpack the training and assessment resources

Unpacking the resources, including all documents related to the qualification, is a good sequence during your Contextualisation process. This must incorporate the industry requirements, the work placement time, the mode of delivery, the duration etc.

All the resources and assessment will be studied in relation to the cohort and their requirements. As repeatedly noted, the central objective of contextualisation is to ensure the learning resources are appropriate to the cohort’s needs.

Phase 3: Review your training and assessment resources.

When reviewing your training resources, make sure that you make the principle of assessments and rule of evidence your road map. Assessment resources should be identified or developed and reviewed to determine their appropriateness for the context.

In this stage, one of the ‘must-dos’ is to ensure the context-specific criteria can be substituted or added to complement the requirements in the resources and associated units of competence. You must check if the learning resource content is aligned to the industry context.

You must ascertain the assessment tools and guidance materials that can include organisation-focused performance checklists, question banks and sample responses, case study materials, assessment projects, reference documents, job cards.

Note: Please always remember that your contextualisation must not jeoperdise the learning outcome. You are not allowed to remove anything from the elements and performance criteria, distort or limit the competency outcomes and use, and reduce the breadth of application of the competency and lessen its portability.

Phase 4. Trial before implementation

The trial of the contextualised assessment resources, associated strategies, assessment tools and related guidance materials is best practice to avoid any unseen potential problems.

The trial will help you identify and monitor the status/success of your contextualised resources and improvement opportunities and initiate any required quality improvements.

In addition to the trial, a risk management matrix for the contextualised assessment strategy should be prepared. This includes.

  • A listing of the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence
  • The potential risks to the achievement of these quality criteria
  • The risk management measures embedded in the assessment strategy to overcome or minimise these risks

Phase 5: Recording: remember to record all the changes and update the version control. You must make sure you record any changes you make to present them at audit as evidence.

How can contextualisation be explained using an actual method and example?

Contextualisation is a process that is not necessarily guided by a uniformed method; however, whatever practices the RTO engages, the above points must be taken into account.

Start with this: The central theme of any contextualisation is to design/redesign the learning and the assessment strategies and practices to meet the learners’ needs and make the learning relevant to a person’s workplace experience – current or anticipated.

More importantly, RTOs are required to know what should/could not be done in the name of contextualisation.

The below example is one way of conducting your contextualisation correctly.

Sometimes you will find units that are shared by two or more qualifications. Even though the unit’s code and name are the same, the context and industry requirements are different. For example, CHCDIV001 – Work with diverse people is shared by Early Childhood, Individual Support, Nursing, Audiometry, Ambulance Communications (Dispatch), and Animal Care and Management etc. However, it is applied in different contexts, tasks, assessment conditions and simulated environments.

For the sake of our article, let’s look at ECEC, Nursing and Individual Support (all share CHCDIV001).

If we take one Element, for example, Element 3: ‘Communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and situations and PC: 3.1 Show respect for diversity in communication with all people, concerning a) ECEC, b) Individual Support and c) Nursing the task, the work environment, and job role are entirely different. Accordingly, the context, the tasks, the marking guide, condition of assessment, work placement simulation, the resources required must be contextualised in the context of the workplace and simulated role-play.

CHC50113 – Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

CHCDIV001 – Work with diverse people

HLT54121 – Diploma of Nursing

CHCDIV001 – Work with diverse people

CHC33015 – Certificate III in Individual Support

CHCDIV001 – Work with diverse people

Role Play

Ms. Annu, a Malaysian mother who cannot speak English, came to the Child Care Centre to discuss her daughter’s allergies.


Regulated Child CareHuman resource: Interpreter   

Role Play

Mr. Ahmed, a Muslim patient in hospital who can barely speak English, is agitated because he was not provided a place to pray. 

Simulation: Hospital 

Human resource: Cultural interpreter, patients room  

Role Play

Christine, a ‘transgender’ person, fluent in English, who lives in a residential care, is outraged because the fellow residents attacked her with a series of derogatory comments.

Simulation: Regulated Aged Care 

Human resource: Social worker

The Element is ‘Communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and situations and PC: 3.1 Show respect for diversity in communication with all people.

As can be seen below, the Element above is the same; however, the industry and context of the role play are different; hence you cannot use one of them in the three role-play scenarios; thus, Contextualisation is required. 

Observation Checklist 
Did the student demonstrates the following communication skills Did, the student, demonstrate the following communication skills Did, the student, demonstrate the following communication skills
  • Speak through an interpreter.
  • Clarify information with the interpreter and request that they give an accurate translation
  • Request that the interpreter inform you of any potential communication differences that could arise (to be self-aware)
  • Give the interpreter time to restructure the translation in their mind (to be socially-aware)
  • Patiently wait for a response via the interpreter, regarding Mr Wong’s feelings about the task
  • When the interpreter is translating, maintain non-verbal communication directly with Ms Annu to provide her a sense of trust and comfort.
  • Greet Ahmed respectfully (to be socially-aware) and patiently wait for a response
  • Use short and simple sentences.
  • Use different words to express the same idea
  • Clearly state you respect his practice and will assist him in providing him prayer place (to be socially-aware)
  • Ask Ahmed if there are any other religious requirements that you should be aware of (to be socially-aware)
  • Resolve communication differences by using cultural interpretation:
  • Politely ask Ahmed to repeat what he said for clarification
  • Ask Ahmed how he is feeling now that the issue is resolved.


  • Ask Christine what their preferred gender pronoun is (e.g., she, he, they) (to be socially-aware)
  • Clearly state you respect the gender preference
  • Avoid the words’ real man’ ‘real woman’ or transgender
  • Remember to keep the focus on care rather than indulging in questions about their gender of curiosity
  • Display transgender-positive body language and nonverbal communication and cues in your office.
  • Avoid ‘dead naming; do not use the former name.



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New job opportunities!

Operations Manager (Mullumbimby, NSW)
Sales Representative (Surry Hills, NSW)
Compliance Manager (Wollongong, NSW)
RTO Senior Office Administrator (Morayfield, QLD)
Barber Trainers (Chermside, Brisbane West, Ipswich, Toowoomba)
CHC Trainers (Melbourne, VIC)
BSB Trainers (Melbourne, VIC)
FNS Trainers (Melbourne, VIC)
ICT Trainers (Melbourne, VIC)
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Are you looking for staff?
At CAQA Recruitment we help employers find the best talent for their organisation. We understand that hiring is a complex and sometimes costly process. However, it can be simplified and made easy on a budget by opting for our services. Our recruitment platform receives a huge number of interest from applicants who are seeking new opportunities in the VET sector.

Best of all your first ad is FREE.

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Course delivery using different delivery modes

What delivery modes can you use to deliver training?

Face to face/ on campus/ classroom based delivery

It is learning in a classroom environment with qualified trainers who guide the learners through high-quality learning and assessment activities. The trainer usually teaches all of the units of competency content to a small group of learners, with social distancing procedures now in place to ensure the safety of each individual participant. The small groups of learners are maintained to ensure that everyone receives the attention they deserve.

Online mode of delivery

Learners can obtain a wide range of learning outcomes by participating in online learning activities that are managed through the use of an online environment. Online mode of delivery offers a lot more flexibility and value to learners as they can watch the recorded videos, access self-study materials, participate in forums and discussions and use online libraries and support systems.

Distance mode of delivery

For a variety of reasons, training organisations may choose to deliver vocational education and training courses via distance delivery methods. Among the possible reasons are:

  • due to employment or other responsibilities, the learner cohort wants to learn outside of normal training hours,
  • the geographical spread of enrolling learners
  • access to the most up-to-date industry practises may be accessible,
  • as well as the possibility to offer a greater variety of units of competency as elective units for a qualification.

Workplace mode of delivery

The workplace mode of delivery includes training and assessment that can be provided at the learner’s place of employment.

Blended mode of delivery

Blended delivery (BD) is a form of study that incorporates different modes of delivery, for example offering training to students using both online and face-to-face delivery methods. Students get access to a wide range of learning materials as well as self-study materials for each unit of study they complete. Additionally, students can attend workshops on campus to develop their abilities, as well as participate in synchronous online sessions where they can merge theory and practice.

Whatever method you use to offer instruction to students, you must plan, document, and implement techniques that ensure that students obtain all necessary skills and knowledge in the subject matter. This need includes ensuring that students have access to appropriate resources, facilities, and trainers.

What are the specific programs selected for Skill First 2022 for new applicants?

Skill First -2022 List of Specific Programs
Do you know that one of the main eligibility criteria to apply for the 2022 Provider Selection Process is that your RTO must have delivered training (in the course that you seek to deliver under the contract) in one or more Programs of the 2022 List of Specific Programs?

But what are the List of Specific Programs?

Do you want to know the list of the courses that makes you eligible to apply for the Skills First training for Specific Programs? Click This CAQA link and it will take you to the list of the specific programs for 2022.

Non-foundation skills programs
Program ID Program Name
22470VIC 22470VIC Certificate II in Engineering Studies
ACM40818 ACM40818 Certificate IV in Farriery
AHC32419 AHC32419 Certificate III in Irrigation Technology
CHC22015 CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services
CHC42015 CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services
CHC52015 CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
CHC33015 CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support
CHC43015 CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
CHC43115 CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability
CHC43315 CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health
CHC30113 CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
CHC50113 CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
FBP20217 FBP20217 Certificate II in Baking
FBP30217 FBP30217 Certificate III in Plant Baking
FBP30317 FBP30317 Certificate III in Cake and Pastry
FBP30417 FBP30417 Certificate III in Bread Baking
FBP30517 FBP30517 Certificate III in Baking
HLT33015 HLT33015 Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance
HLT47815 Certificate IV in Optical Dispensing
MEM20105 Certificate II in Engineering
MEM30219 Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade
MEM30505 Certificate III in Engineering – Technical
SIT31016 Certificate III in Patisserie
SIT40716 Certificate IV in Patisserie
TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
UEE31220 Certificate III in Instrumentation and Control
UEE31420 Certificate III in Security Equipment
UEE43220 Certificate IV in Industrial Automation and Control
Foundation skills programs
In order to deliver Foundation Skills Programs (as indicated on the 2022 Specific Programs List) under a Skills First VET Funding Contract, you must be included on the Foundation Skills Approved Provider List and have the relevant approval to deliver that program.
Program ID Program Name
10727NAT Certificate I in Spoken and Written English
10728NAT Certificate II in Spoken and Written English
10729NAT Certificate III in Spoken and Written English
10730NAT Certificate IV in Spoken and Written English for Further Study
22333VIC Certificate I in Developing Independence
22447VIC Certificate I in Mumgu-dhal tyama-tiyt
22448VIC Certificate II in Mumgu-dhal tyama-tiyt
22449VIC Certificate III in Mumgu-dhal tyama-tiyt
22472VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults
22473VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults
22474VIC Certificate III in General Education for Adults
22476VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory)
22481VIC Certificate II in Work Education
22484VIC Certificate I in EAL (Access)
22485VIC Certificate II in EAL (Access)
22486VIC Certificate III in EAL (Access)
22487VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Access)
22488VIC Certificate II in EAL (Employment)
22489VIC Certificate III in EAL (Employment)
22490VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Employment / Professional)
22491VIC Certificate III in EAL (Further Study)
22492VIC Certificate IV in EAL (Further Study)
22555VIC Certificate I in Initial Adult Literacy and Numeracy
22566VIC Certificate I in Work Education
22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education
FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways
FSK10219 Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways
FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

VET Qualifications Reform Survey – The world of VET is changing again including the units of competency

The world of vocational education and training is changing once more, and this includes the structure of units of competency. The Department of Education, Skills, and Employment is participating in consultations on the new structure, methods, and procedures connected to the vocational education and training sector over a period of 1.5 years as part of the skills reform initiative.

Australian governments (at both the national and state levels) place a high value on the VET system, and as a result, they have agreed to move forth with improvements. The qualifications structure and framework, increasing the importance of industry and employers, as well as improving the overall quality standards and practices in the VET sector, are the focus of the major reforms. More information can be found at, which is a government website. You can get involved and provide your valuable feedback at

The consultation draft of the VET Workforce Quality Strategy (the draft Strategy) is now available for feedback via an online submission process.

Submissions will be open until 5.00 pm AEST Monday 27 September 2021.

The current state of the qualifications structure, as well as the planned future state of the qualifications structure, are provided below for reference purposes:

You can read more information related to the proposed changes at

The department is also holding two webinars to discuss qualification design concepts and provide an opportunity to ask questions about the reform and the new approach to qualification design.

The webinar dates and registration details are at:

Education standards and politics

We are all well aware that in any country, it is hard to separate politics from educational issues and standards. However, it is quite sad when politics begins to have an impact on education for a variety of negative reasons. Educational standards should be upheld at all times, but using education to score political goals, allocating funding or free-tafe in a way that best suits political agendas rather than sorting out the actual needs and requirements of the industry, approving or disapproving contractors close to politicians, preparing and approving training packages or standards that are outdated, full of errors and mistakes, not useful, and impractical create a number of issues for the industry and the general public.

As it is well recognised that politics is related with the distribution of scarce social, economic, and cultural resources to individuals, organisations, regions, and social classes, it should come as no surprise that the allocation of resources to education is impacted highly by political influences and motives.

The result of almost every educational reform since the early 2000s has been an increase in bureaucracy, a system that is always evolving to serve students while really creating a great deal of bureaucratic work for the organisations.

Ludwig von Mises believed that governments should keep out of education altogether, we are not sure if this is the solution, but we want to ensure that Australia has an education system that is:

  1. Adaptable and changes with the time
  2. Free from bad politics
  3. Free from corruption
  4. Has access to most up-to-date, state of the art technologies
  5. Support us becoming a global leader in education and training
  6. Support our infrastructure and industries
  7. Meet the needs and requirements of the stakeholders

Even if we assume that we will never be able to completely remove politics from our education system, our focus should always be on electing leaders who come from a variety of backgrounds, experiences, and cultures, who are committed to achieving excellence in education and training, from TAFE and private sector education, who are free of biases and judgements, and who only work to achieve excellence through developing and upholding the appropriate and suitable educational standards.

Quality Reforms

Have your say to support the delivery of high-quality training in the VET sector. Click here,

Scorm, HTML5 and m-learning? Need help?

Until recently the high degree of interactivity, immersive graphics, and fascinating animations of Adobe Flash made it one of the most popular authoring tools for eLearning courses. With fewer smartphones and tablets being able to support Flash, HTML5 and SCORM compliant files are quickly becoming the preferred formats and standards among eLearning professionals.

SCORM compliant files, HTML5 files, and e-learning files are now available for purchase from CAQA for use in your learning management systems. We are in the process of developing these files to satisfy the demands and requirements and we are currently accepting orders for the development of any e-learning/ m-learning training and assessment resources that you require.

What is a SCORM file?

SCORM, which stands for Shareable Content Object Reference Model, is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products. SCORM instructs programmers and developers on how to construct their code in such a way that it would “play nicely” with other eLearning applications. It is the de-facto industry standard for interoperability in eLearning environments.

What is an HTML5 file?

The Hypertext Markup Language 5 (HTML5) version is the most recent and most stable version of the Hypertext Markup Language standard. It can be used quite easily and effectively on content management systems (CMS) as an extremely sophisticated system for organising and presenting content on the internet. At its inception, its goal was to develop websites that were compatible with a wide range of devices. As learning approaches transitioned to the digital realm, HTML5 became increasingly useful in producing responsive courses and in quick e-learning production, among other applications.

Because HTML5 is capable of supporting rich media, immersive graphics, interactions, and working well on mobile devices, it is an excellent choice for e-learning application development. It comes pre-loaded with the ability to play music and video, eliminating the need for third-party plugins.

Can you convert HTML5 files to SCORM files?

HTML5 content can be created and exported as a SCORM or non-SCORM file, depending on the platform.

What is m-learning?

Learning with mobile devices, also known as m-learning or mobile learning, is defined as “learning in numerous contexts through social and content exchanges while using personal electronic devices.” M-learners, a type of distance education, take advantage of instructional technology on their mobile devices at their convenience.

If you need any assistance related to SCORM files, HTML5 files, e-learning resources, m-learning content, contact us at

Celebrating the 12th anniversary of Career Calling

Can you believe Career Calling has been in operation for 12 years? This is a fantastic opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to making Career Calling what it is today.

Here are a few words from our CEO, Sukh Sandhu, to commemorate the occasion:

What began as a dream, has grown into Career Calling becoming a leading provider of training and education services in Australia. This has been made possible through the dedication and commitment of each and every team member.

I would like to express my gratitude to our clients. Please know that we appreciate your ongoing support, and I hope to continue to work with you for many years to come!

The Covid-19 surge in Australia is threatening plans for student return

The state government of New South Wales has placed on hold its proposal to allow international students to return home after the state government unveiled a trial plan for a limited-phased return of international students in June.

As a result of the most recent lockdown, there has been a pause in the implementation of this pilot initiative, which could mean that the much-anticipated arrival of international students in Australia is pushed back even further. This is unwelcome news for the thousands of students studying remotely who are eagerly awaiting the possibility of coming to Australia to continue their education.

As of the time of this writing, Australia’s borders had been blocked for 503 days total. Since the entry bank took place on March 20, 2020, overseas students have been denied admission and have received little information about their programme and future.

In 2021, the total number of international students enrolling in Australian universities is expected to drop by a significant margin. Because students are increasingly looking for alternatives to their home nations, the country risks losing its competitiveness in the international education sector if the current trend continues.

In the past financial year alone, the country’s economy suffered a loss of about $6 billion as a result of the decline in international student enrolment, which fell by more than 100,000. When compared to the previous year, education exports decreased by 21.4 per cent in 2020, while international student commencements decreased by over 20 per cent in 2021.

In addition to the obvious financial loss, the impact of this collapse can be seen in the widespread layoffs of university staff across the country’s major institutions. In Melbourne, for example, La Trobe University announced 200 layoffs as a result of a $165 million income drop.

The influence on local communities and businesses is already being seen, as overseas students make up a significant portion of the workforce for small and medium-sized enterprises around Australia.

Despite the claims of the federal government, Australia continues to be the most behind the eight other OECD countries in the administration of Covid-19 vaccines to its adult populations. The country’s population has been vaccinated to a level of less than 16 per cent as of now, and it may take another seven months until the current national immunisation goal is met.

According to the prime minister, the country will need to vaccinate 80 per cent of its adult population before it will even consider reopening its border. It has been suggested that this may only be doable by the end of the year by the Grattan Institute, an Australian public policy think tank

In addition, it is being argued that Australia must change its approach to handling Covid-19, and that waiting for the number of instances to reach zero is no longer a feasible option. A proactive approach is preferable, as is taking inspiration from the methods of other forward-looking democratic countries, such as taking a careful and measured approach to opening up to the rest of the world, rather than reacting reactively.

In the future, the Australian federal government may wish to consider a careful and progressive opening of its borders to international students and other necessary travellers, as well as studying the possibility of instituting a vaccine-visa regime.

As more of Australia’s population has been vaccinated, the government may also consider stepping away from the Fortress Australia approach.

Some ESOS courses are no longer required to be registered with CRICOS

It is now allowed for registered training providers to offer certain supplementary courses to international students without having those courses listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

The Education Services for Overseas Students (Exempt Courses) Instrument 2021, which exempts some supplementary courses from the ESOS Act, took effect on June 29, 2021. The legislative instrument can be found at

The instrument allows non-CRICOS registered providers to deliver ESOS-exempt courses to international students, provided that the provider meets all of the domestic RTO standards and requirements for registration and delivery of the courses.

According to a press release from the Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), the instrument will make it easier for international students to enrol in a variety of supplementary courses, such as hobby and recreational courses, as well as other short courses that may be required for employment while studying in Australia or working here now. These are low-cost and short in duration, and they allow international students to obtain pre-requisite industry qualifications to enrich their Australian experience while also improving their skills, increasing the likelihood of them finding work in a wider range of fields and reducing the likelihood of them being exploited at their place of employment (also known as workplace exploitation). Supplementary courses can be taken by students in addition to their major, CRICOS-registered course at the training organisation. Students will not be eligible to apply for a student visa solely on the basis of their enrolment in a course or courses that are exempted from the requirement. First aid, infection control, construction white cards, and responsible service of alcoholic beverages are among the courses that are excluded from the requirement.

Prior to the implementation of these changes to the definition, of course, the additional administrative and financial investment required to maintain CRICOS registration meant that only a small number of providers offered these courses to international students, limiting students’ access to training for employment in industries such as hospitality, health care, and construction, among others.

These reforms will allow education providers to more easily enter the market and offer a broader range of supplementary courses to international students, as well as assist Australian businesses in filling short-term skill shortages in order to deliver critically important goods and services to the international community. allows students to search for training providers who provide a specific course by entering a specific training course code, title, occupations or a specific delivery location.

List of exempted units of competency and qualifications

Units of competency

The following units of competency and any unit identified in the National Register referred to in section 216 of the National Vocational and Training Regulator Act 2011 as a later version of, or a superseding unit of the following units, are specified:

AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals
AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases
HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an education and care setting
HLTAID013 Provide First Aid in remote or isolated site
HLTAID014 Provide Advanced First Aid
HLTAID015 Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy
HLTAID016 Manage first aid services and resources
HLTINFCOV001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures
HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures
BSBWHS332X Apply infection prevention and control procedures to own work activities
SITHFAB002 Provide responsible service of alcohol
HLTWHS005 Conduct manual tasks safely
SITHGAM001 Provide responsible gambling services
SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety
SITXFSA002 Participate in safe food handling practices
CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
SITHFAB005 Prepare and serve espresso coffee
TLILIC0003 Licence to operate a forklift truck

VET courses

The following VET courses and any courses identified in the National Register referred to in section 216 of the National Vocational and Training Regulator Act 2011 as a later version of, or a superseding course of the following courses, are specified:

22556VIC Course in the Management of Asthma Risks and Emergencies in the Workplace
22578VIC Course in First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis

Need clarification or advice? Email or call us on 1300 266 160

RTO Survey: Mandatory Work Requirements for Certificate III in Individual Support

The Human Services Skills Organisation is conducting a survey about Mandatory Work Placement for students completing the Certificate III in Individual Support. RTOs delivering this qualification are encouraged to share their feedback to address their experiences in accessing the mandatory work placements.

For more information, Click here.

What happens when one of the electives in a qualification has been superseded?

There is great confusion in the VET sector, especially now with all the changes that have been made to the BSB, ICT and HLTAID qualifications. We are constantly answering this question:
If an elective has been superseded in a qualification, but the old unit is still listed as the elective, which one am I supposed to use? Especially in the qualifications that have “the elective units can come from the list below or any other unit of competency at the same level…
So we went  straight to the experts to get clarification and this is what ASQA wrote back:

Dear XXX,
Thank you for your email.
The packaging rules for a training package qualification set out the overall requirements to achieve that qualification. The rules define the number of units required to achieve the qualification; this includes the core and named electives. In the case of CHC33015 - Certificate III in Individual Support - HLTAID003 - Provide first aid is a named elective unit.
Sometimes, a qualification or accredited course will specify a core or named elective unit or module that has been superseded, removed or deleted from a training package. In these cases, RTOs must continue to include the component/s as named in the qualification or course being delivered – as mandated by Clause 1.27 of the Standards for RTOs 2015.
Despite the fact that a named elective unit has been superseded, training providers are required to continue delivering HLTAID003 as named by the packaging rules, until such time as the qualification is updated.
However, should a student wish to undertake the unit as a standalone, then you must enrol them into the current unit (eg. HLTAID011) provided it is on your scope of registration.
I trust this information assists, and please do not hesitate to contact ASQA should you have any further enquiries.

This  means that you may have to deliver HLTAID003 to your students that are enrolled in a qualification like CHC33015 and HLTAID011 to students that want the latest updated first aid qualification. Confusing? We know. Makes sense? Not really. Better student outcomes? Seems like a long time since anyone worried about what is best for them.

Congratulations VOCEDplus for completing 30 years

Courtesy: VOCEDplus!

It all started in 1989, with two print publications, Initiatives in Technical and Further Education and TAFE Projects in Progress. These articles were merged to become the Vocational Education and Training Research Database, a resource for the TAFE sector available through print and diskettes.     

Over the past three decades, the database has undergone a huge transformation. 

Now called VOCEDplus, it is a repository of information for the tertiary education sector, containing over 80 000 items, complemented by value added products such as the VET Knowledge Bank, the VET Practitioner Resource, and the Pod Network.

This is one of the most useful databases you will find on the internet. if you are working in the education and training Industry, the contribution it provides is invaluable.

We congratulate the entire team behind maintaining this one of the most useful resources for the vocational education and training sector. 

You can find VOCEDplus online at , their twitter account is  

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